Growth hormone deficiency has been reported in several individuals with 18p-, though not at the same frequency as in the distal 18q- population.
Epidermal growth factor receptor | hormone | The Limits to Growth | growth | Economic growth | population growth | Insulin-like growth factor 1 | growth hormone | Exponential growth | epidermal growth factor receptor | economic growth | African Growth and Opportunity Act | Vascular endothelial growth factor A | Population growth | Luteinizing hormone | growth rate | Growth hormone | Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency | General Growth Properties | First Growth | Fibroblast growth factor | Zero population growth | Vascular endothelial growth factor | vascular endothelial growth factor | Thyroid-stimulating hormone | The Elusive Quest for Growth | Stability and Growth Pact | Sex hormone-binding globulin | Ribose-5-phosphate isomerase deficiency | Recreate for Growth |