While pursuing these studies Weil published his "Historisch-Kritische Einleitung in den Koran" (Bielefeld and Leipsic, 1844 and 1878) as a supplement to Ullman's translation of the Koran, and the translation of one of the original sources of the biography of Mohammed, "Leben Mohammed's nach Muhammed ibn Isḥaḳ, Bearbeitet von Abd el-Malik ibn Hischâm" (Stuttgart, 2 vols., 1864).
Weil returned to Europe by way of Constantinople, where he remained for some time pursuing Turkish studies.
Gustav Mahler | Gustav Klimt | Gustav Holst | Gustav III of Sweden | Gustav I of Sweden | Gustav Meyrink | Friedrich Gustav Jakob Henle | Andrew Weil | Simone Weil | Gustav Stresemann | Gustav Noske | Cynthia Weil | Bruno Weil | Gustav III | Gustav, Hereditary Prince of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg | Gustav Fischer | Weil am Rhein | Hurricane Gustav | Gustav Nossal | Gustav Meier | Gustav Hertzberg | Gustav Albrecht, 5th Prince of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg | Jo Weil | Johann Gustav Droysen | Heinrich Gustav Magnus | Gustav Stickley | Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach | Gustav Horn, Count of Pori | Gustav Fröhlich | Gustav Fechner |