His father, Gustave Henry Franke, was a tailor in Manning, Iowa.
The 81st Infantry Division, known as the Wildcat Division, had been commanded by Maj. Gen. Gustave H. Franke since its reactivation in June 1942.
Gustave Flaubert | Gustave Eiffel | Gustave Doré | Gustave Courbet | Gustave Kerker | Gustave De Smet | Werner Franke | Gustave Caillebotte | Quai Gustave-Ador | James Gustave Speth | Henri-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière | Henri-Gustave Delvigne | Gustave Reese | Gustave J. Stoeckel | Gustave Choquet | Edmond Gustave Camus | ''The Deluge'' by Gustave Doré | Philippe Gustave le Doulcet, Comte de Pontécoulant | Louis Gustave Mouchel | Joel Gustave Nana Ngongang | Jens Franke | Institut Gustave Roussy | Gustave Thuret | Gustave Tassell | Gustave Reininger | Gustave Miklos | Gustave Massiah | Gustave Le Gray | Gustave Le Bon | Gustave H. Franke |
The book also includes invited Contributions by Benoît Mandelbrot, Adrien Douady, Gert Eilenberger and Herbert W. Franke, which provide additional formality and some historically interesting detail.