Sap was Minister of public work and of agriculture and tradespeople (1932–1934), Minister of Finance (1934), Minister of economy and tradespeople (1939–1940) in the government of Hubert Pierlot.
SAP AG | Gustave Flaubert | Gustave Eiffel | Gustave Doré | Gustave Courbet | Tonle Sap | Gustave Kerker | SAP ERP | Tonlé Sap | SAP Open | Gustave De Smet | ''Eucalyptus'' sap | Gustave Caillebotte | SAP implementation | Quai Gustave-Ador | James Gustave Speth | Henri-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière | Henri-Gustave Delvigne | Gustave Reese | Gustave J. Stoeckel | Gustave Choquet | Edmond Gustave Camus | ''The Deluge'' by Gustave Doré | SAP Research | Philippe Gustave le Doulcet, Comte de Pontécoulant | Louis Gustave Mouchel | Joel Gustave Nana Ngongang | Institut Gustave Roussy | Gustave Thuret | Gustave Tassell |