In 2005, when receiving the Prize of Liberty ("Prijs voor de vrijheid"), he held the traditional Gustave de Molinari lecture, in which he proclaimed that "the most fundamental freedom is the freedom to discriminate", directly attacking and rejecting the existing Belgian "totalitarian" legislation restricting freedom of choice in private relationships.
Gustave Flaubert | Gustave Eiffel | Gustave Doré | Gustave Courbet | Gustave Kerker | Gustave De Smet | Gustave Caillebotte | Quai Gustave-Ador | James Gustave Speth | Henri-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière | Henri-Gustave Delvigne | Guy Molinari | Gustave Reese | Gustave J. Stoeckel | Gustave Choquet | Edmond Gustave Camus | ''The Deluge'' by Gustave Doré | Philippe Gustave le Doulcet, Comte de Pontécoulant | Luis Molinari | Louis Gustave Mouchel | Joel Gustave Nana Ngongang | Institut Gustave Roussy | Gustave Thuret | Gustave Tassell | Gustave Reininger | Gustave Miklos | Gustave Massiah | Gustave Le Gray | Gustave Le Bon | Gustave H. Franke |