
unusual facts about HMNZS ''Resolution''

1970s in Morocco

However, in August 1974, Spain formally acknowledged the 1966 United Nations (UN) resolution calling for a referendum on the future status of Western Sahara and requested that a plebiscite be conducted under UN supervision.

2007 Blue Angels South Carolina crash

San Francisco Supervisor Chris Daly brought a resolution up to San Francisco's board of supervisors in an effort to ban the Angels' performance.

Abraham Mar Thoma

He resisted the undemocratic and dictatorial actions of Dewan Sir C. P. Ramaswami Iyer and was instrumental in getting a resolution passed by the Sabha Council (church council) condemning Sir C. P’s move to proclaim Travancore as an independent state following the lapse of British Paramountey.

Adolfo de Hostos

After his retirement in 1950, the position of Official Historian remained vacant for 43 years, until the Puerto Rico House of Representatives approved in 1993 Senate Concurrent Resolution 14, authored by Sen. Kenneth McClintock, designated Dr. Pilar Barbosa.

Ana María Romero de Campero

Father and daughter met in public service, where he gave an outstanding performance as mastermind and chief promoter of the OAS resolution in 1979 which urged Chile to give Bolivia a sovereign and useful outlet to the Pacific Ocean.


# Manas (mind) – controls sankalpa (will or resolution)

Brothers to the Rescue

Following the incident, the United Nations Security Council passed Security Council Resolution 1067 (1996), a U.S.-sponsored resolution condemning Cuba.

Canadian Parliamentary Motion on Alexander Graham Bell

During the 108th Congress another almost identical resolution, SRes 223 was introduced in the United States Senate, but which was then sent to a committee where it died, unenacted.

Center for Justice and Peacebuilding

As urged by founding director John Paul Lederach, CJP has sought to avoid imposing North American models on conflict resolution on the rest of the world; instead it advocates strategies suggested by “cues and patterns elicited by the culture in question,” preferably by people intimately connected to that culture.

Conference for Progressive Political Action

L.E. Sheppard, President of the Order of Railway Conductors, presented a resolution calling for a continuation of the CPPA on non-partisan lines as a political pressure group.


Because these structures are extremely complex, methods within this field use a high-throughput application of neural imaging and histological techniques in order to increase the speed, efficiency, and resolution of maps of the multitude of neural connections in a nervous system.

Declaration of Istanbul

The development of the Istanbul Summit and Declaration was derived from a direction by the World Health Assembly in 2004 as it adopted resolution WHA57.18 urging member states ‘to take measures to protect the poorest and vulnerable groups from transplant tourism and the sale of tissues and organs, including attention to the wider problem of international trafficking in human tissues and organs’.

Digital intermediate

This project based studio was the first feature film to use Discreet Logic's (now Autodesk) Flame and Inferno systems, which enjoyed early dominance as high resolution / high performance digital compositing systems.

Doppler echocardiography

The poor lateral resolution in the B-mode image also results in poor lateral resolution in flow estimation.

Doppler radar

Normally it is one or the other; a radar designed for detecting targets from zero to Mach 2 does not have a high resolution in speed, while a radar designed for high resolution velocity measurements does not have a wide range of speeds.


In 1984, the President of France, François Mitterrand, and Colonel Muammar Gaddafi of Libya met in a luxurious Elounda resort to discuss conflict resolution in Chad.

Foreign involvement in the 2006 Lebanon War

A spokesman indicated that the aim of the aid was "finish the work of UN Resolution 1559," and that the additional assistance would go towards "some very basic issues, such as providing spare parts and maintenance and other kinds of things for trucks and personnel carriers and other vehicles".

Frédéric Passy

He also supported a system of international conflict arbitration, which was inspired by Randal Cremer's resolution that established arbitration between the United States and England.

Generation Italy

The Finiani who voted against the resolution were 13 out of 172 members of the Committee: Roberta Angelilli, Andrea Augello, Italo Bocchino, Carmelo Briguglio, Cesare Cursi, Fabio Granata, Donato Lamorte, Silvano Moffa, Flavia Perina, Andrea Ronchi, Salvatore Tatarella, Adolfo Urso and Pasquale Viespoli.

Gloria Victis Memorial

The two initiators of the aforementioned resolution, Göran Lindblad of Sweden and Latshezar Toshev of Bulgaria were the orators at the ceremony of the handing over of this text.


The game engine was written from scratch, requiring nearly a year of development time, and low resolution graphics were used to conserve memory.

Image Constraint Token

If any components in the display chain do not support HDCP (such as a display connected to the player through analog connections like component, composite or S-Video) and the ICT flag is enabled, the player automatically reduces the high-definition video to the resolution of 960x540 pixels before outputting it.

Iraqi no-fly zones

While the enforcing powers had cited United Nations Security Council Resolution 688 as authorizing the operations, the resolution contains no explicit authorization.

Jack D. Maltester

In 1971 he sponsored a resolution at the annual USCM meeting in Philadelphia, entitled "Withdrawal from Vietnam and Reordering of National Priorities", which called upon President of the United States Richard Nixon "to do all within his power to bring about a complete withdrawal of all American forces from Vietnam by December 31, 1971."

James V. Hansen

In 1990 Hansen was one of the two main House sponsors of a resolution calling on the George H. W. Bush administration to stop pressure on Thailand to allow the sale of U.S. cigarettes.


Journal of Peace Research, an academic journal targeted toward peace studies, conflict resolution, and international security

MacX YouTube Downloader

MacX YouTube Downloader is implemented as a web video downloading program which downloads videos from YouTube in different resolution and formats for Mac OS X.

Mario Biaggi

In 1975 Biaggi introduced a joint resolution of Congress, Public Law 94-479, to posthumously promote George Washington to the grade of General of the Armies of the United States and restore Washington's position as the highest-ranking military officer in U.S. history.

Maskelynes Islands

They were named by Captain Cook after the Astronomer Royal Nevil Maskelyne as he sailed north from Port Resolution on Tanna in HMS Resolution in late 1774.

Massimo Vitali

For many of his works, Vitali stands on a podium four or five meters high, and uses large-format film cameras to capture high-resolution details over a broad expanse in locations such as beaches.

Melville Clyde Kelly

This resolution, the Airmail Act of 1925 was signed into law on February 2, 1925, prompting many companies to venture into the aviation field (e.g., Boeing, Douglas, and Pratt & Whitney).

New Year's resolution

A New Year's resolution is a secular tradition, most common in the Western Hemisphere but also found in the Eastern Hemisphere, in which a person makes a promise to do an act of self-improvement or something slightly nice, such as opening doors for people beginning from New Year's Day.

Parker Library on the Web

Parker Library on the Web was a multi-year undertaking of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, the Stanford University Libraries and the Cambridge University Library, to produce a high-resolution digital copy of every imageable page in the 538 manuscripts described in M. R. James Descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Parker Library, Corpus Christi College (Cambridge University Press, 1912).

People's Action Party–United Malays National Organisation relations

Such issues catalysed the impending secession: On 7 August 1965, Tunku Abdul Rahman announced to the Malaysian Parliament in Kuala Lumpur that the Parliament should vote yes on the resolution to have Singapore to leave the Federation, choosing to "sever all ties with a State Government that showed no measure of loyalty to its Central Government" as opposed to the undesirable method of suppressing the PAP for its actions.

Percy Fitzwallace

Fitzwallace retires almost immediately after the resolution of the Zoey Bartlet (Elisabeth Moss) kidnap crisis at the beginning of season five and is replaced as chairman by General Nicholas Alexander (Terry O'Quinn).

Peter Shurman

Shurman subsequently brought a resolution to the floor of the Ontario Legislative Assembly condemning Israeli Apartheid Week on Ontario campuses.

Remote imaging protocol

These were sent from the BBS instead of the more common ANSI color-coded text-mode screens, and were interpreted on the user's end by a RIP-enabled terminal program such as TeleGrafix's own RIPTerm which could draw them at a 640x350 EGA resolution.

Rufus and Carla

Carla Thomas was also part of a string of successful duets ("Tramp", "Knock On Wood", "Lovey Dovey", "New Year's Resolution") with the label's biggest star, Otis Redding.

Search for Common Ground

Featuring six children, one from each of Armenian, Christian, Druze, Palestinian, Shiite, and Sunni backgrounds, the show calls attention to the interactions between the different ethnic groups and shows different means of nonviolent conflict resolution.

UK Polaris programme

"Polaris" itself was an operational system of four Resolution-class submarines, each armed with 16 UGM-27 Polaris A-3 ballistic missiles, with each missile able to deliver three ET.317 thermonuclear warheads around a single target.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1189

United Nations Security Council resolution 1189, adopted unanimously on 13 August 1998, after expressing its deep disturbance at the bombings in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on 7 August 1998, the Council strongly condemned the terrorist attacks and called on countries to adopt measures to prevent further incidents.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1373

However, the resolution failed to define 'Terrorism', and the working group initially only added Al-Qaida and the Taliban regime of Afghanistan on the sanctions list.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1569

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1569, adopted unanimously on 26 October 2004, after invoking Article 28 of the United Nations Charter, the Council decided to hold a two-day meeting on the situation in Sudan in Nairobi, Kenya.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1596

In the preamble of the resolution, the Security Council expressed concern at the presence of armed groups and militia in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, particularly in North and South Kivu and Ituri Province, while at the same time welcoming that some of the groups had began submitting an inventory of weapons and materiel in their possession.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 708

United Nations Security Council resolution 708, adopted unanimously on 28 August 1991, after noting the death of International Court of Justice (ICJ) President Taslim Olawale Elias on 14 August 1991, the Council decided that elections to the vacancy on the ICJ would take place on 5 December 1991 at the Security Council and at the General Assembly's 46th session.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 940

" Cuban Foreign Minister Roberto Robaina said that the resolution furthers "the repeated attempts by the Security Council to amplify its powers beyond those which were granted it by the Charter.

United States House of Representatives election in Pennsylvania, 1788

On July 8, 1788, the Congress of the Confederation passed a resolution calling the first session of the 1st United States Congress for March 4, 1789, to convene at New York City and the election of Senators and Representatives in the meanwhile by the States.

Watsonville Riots

In September 4, 2011, California apologized to Filipinos and Filipino Americans in an Assembly resolution authored by Assemblyman Luis Alejo, D-Salinas.

Wong v. San Francisco Board of Education

San Francisco District 11 Supervisor Gerardo Sandoval introduced a resolution urging Ackerman not to accept her severance package, which later was adopted by a 6 to 4 vote.

see also