
4 unusual facts about Hachette


Hachette Filipacchi Médias, a French magazine publisher, a subsidiary of Lagardère Media

Jules B. Kroll

By 1991, the Krolls had been hired by the government of Kuwait to trace Saddam Hussein's holdings in corporations around the world, including Hachette in France.

Manuel Salvat Dalmau

In the late 1980s the Salvat Group was purchased by the French multinational Hachette.

Ramendra Kumar

Since then his work has been published by such well known names like Penguin, Hachette, Pratham, National Book Trust (NBT), Rupa & Co., Children's Book Trust (CBT), Navneet, Pauline, Ponytale, Pustak Mahal and Vikas.

Élie Reclus

1864 : Introduction to the Dictionnaire des communes de France, in collaboration with Élisée Reclus, Hachette.

Jean Nicolas Pierre Hachette

Jean Nicolas Pierre Hachette (May 6, 1769 – January 16, 1834), French mathematician, was born at Mézières, where his father was a bookseller.

Michel Jeury

He began writing science fiction under the pseudonym of Albert Higon and penned two space operas for the Rayon Fantastique imprint of publishers Hachette and Gallimard: Aux Étoiles du Destin Destiny's Stars (1960), featuring a cosmic battle between the alien races: the T’Loons and the incomprehensible Glutons, and La Machine du Pouvoir The Machine Of Power (1960), which won the 1960 Jules Verne Award.

Peter Chitty

Perry, R. (2010) The Changi Brownlow, Hachette, Sydney.

The Time Runaways Series

The Three Gates (Les trois portes, 1977, Hachette, 2004, Degliame)

Tokugawa Akitake

Tokyo: Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie Française du Japon, Hachette Fujin Gahōsha (アシェット婦人画報社).

see also