
4 unusual facts about Ramendra Kumar

Ramendra Kumar

Ramen's work has been published and reviewed in major newspapers and magazines and translated into several Indian languages as well as Chinese, Japanese, Mongolian, Sinhala, French, Portuguese and Spanish.

Since then his work has been published by such well known names like Penguin, Hachette, Pratham, National Book Trust (NBT), Rupa & Co., Children's Book Trust (CBT), Navneet, Pauline, Ponytale, Pustak Mahal and Vikas.

One of his stories has been included in the text book for class nine students of Norway while another story has been adapted as Kamishibai, the traditional form of storytelling in Japan.

After completing his Engineering and MBA he moved to Rourkela when he got a job in Rourkela Steel Plant.

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