Pratham is the largest non-governmental organization working to provide high-quality education to the under-privileged children of India.
The grants were for $50,000 to five of the stand-out charities (Nyaya Health, KIPP (Houston), Small Enterprise Foundation, Innovations for Poverty Action, and Pratham) and for $100,000 to GiveDirectly.
Over the last four years of its existence, Source for Change has worked with clients such as India's leading education NGO Pratham, India's largest private corporate group (with their Telecom arm), and leading universities in the US in a wide array of services.
Pratham’s research has found that one of the most critical problems facing government school children in India is lack of basic reading skills.
Objective: Improve basic reading skills through the accelerated reading program developed by the Akshara foundation (Pratham).
Pratham’s founder and current CEO, Madhav Chavan, was the 2011 recipient of the Skoll Award for Social Entrepreneurship.
Since then his work has been published by such well known names like Penguin, Hachette, Pratham, National Book Trust (NBT), Rupa & Co., Children's Book Trust (CBT), Navneet, Pauline, Ponytale, Pustak Mahal and Vikas.
Pratham |
Socially Useful Productive Work Programme students work with Indian NGOs such as Advitya, Akanksha, CCDT, Muktangan, Pratham, Eve, Village Project, Goonj and Ishara.
At present, SmilingStart has tied-up with three charities namely, The Akshaya Patra, Naandi Foundation - Project Nanhi Kali and Pratham.