Hanover Junction Railroad Station is a historic railroad station located at Hanover Junction in North Codorus Township, York County, Pennsylvania.
Following the 1863 Battle of Gettysburg, Hanover Junction was a major route for the transport of wounded soldiers from Gettysburg to hospitals in Baltimore, Harrisburg, York, and other Northern towns.
Established in the 1851 as a railroad junction of the Northern Central Railway and the Hanover Branch Railroad, a hotel and a few houses were erected to serve the needs of railroad passengers and local workers.
However, nearby railroad bridges on the NCR down to Hanover Junction were destroyed by Confederate forces.
Hanover | Riccarton Junction railway station | Kingdom of Hanover | Hanover, New Hampshire | House of Hanover | Petticoat Junction | junction | Province of Hanover | Junction (traffic) | Haines Junction, Yukon | Grand Junction, Colorado | University of Hanover | Junction | Hanover Square, London | White River Junction, Vermont | New Hanover Island | Hanover, Maryland | Haines Junction | Grand Junction | Ernest Augustus I of Hanover | New Hanover | Llandudno Junction | Bhowani Junction | Annapolis Junction, Maryland | The Junction | Junction Oval | Hanover Square | Hanover, Pennsylvania | Grand Junction Railway | Fredericton Junction, New Brunswick |