In circumstances where more than one laboratory is analysing samples and feeding data into a large programme of work such as the Harmonised monitoring scheme in the UK, AQC can also be applied to validate one laboratory against another.
The scheme is administered by the Environment Agency in England and Wales and by SEPA in Scotland and involves routine monitoring at 230 sites including 56 river systems in Scotland.
In addition laboratories who were to undertake the analysis of samples were identified and a comprehensive AQC exercise was conducted to ensure comparability of data derived from the monitoring programme.
Ponzi scheme | Snowy Mountains Scheme | BBC Radio 3 New Generation Artists scheme | Magnet URI scheme | State Management Scheme | Imperial Airship Scheme | Darien scheme | A roads in Zone 5 of the Great Britain numbering scheme | Website monitoring | Tenants Purchase Scheme | Phoenix Islands Settlement Scheme | National Service Scheme | monitoring | Collective investment scheme | Youth Training Scheme | United Kingdom Warning and Monitoring Organisation | Trent Accreditation Scheme | Tire-pressure monitoring system | SCM (Scheme implementation) | Polynomial-time approximation scheme | Peace Monitoring Group | Network monitoring | National Gardens Scheme | Monitoring | Long-term video-EEG monitoring | Great Britain road numbering scheme | Goldfields Water Supply Scheme | Clinical monitoring | Boneh–Franklin scheme | AUSTUDY Scheme |