
unusual facts about Health insurance

Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act

Health and pension plan coverage for service members is provided for by USERRA.

Frank Bowe

"SSDI and SSI ... the rapid escalation of costs and the narrowing of employer health insurance coverage ... and other factors ... keep the American Dream out of reach for many Americans with disabilities." ("Disability in America," 2006)

Margo Edmunds

At the IOM, she directed studies on health insurance and access to care and provided testimony on children’s coverage to the U.S. Senate Finance Committee and the National Association of Insurance Commissioners.

Medical facility

Today, hospitals are usually funded by the state, health organizations (for profit or non-profit), by health insurances or by charities and by donations.

Ontario Health Insurance Plan

The Ontario Health Insurance Plan (in French: Assurance-Santé de l'Ontario, and commonly known in both languages by the acronym OHIP, pronounced "oh-hip") is the government-run health insurance plan for the Canadian province of Ontario.


One could obtain a prescription for Xolair without it being approved for use in allergies, but most health insurance will not cover it without FDA approval, meaning it could cost on the order of $1000 a month for a patient.

see also

Amy Stephens

With Democratic Rep. Joe Rice, Stephens sponsored legislation allowing health insurance providers to offer discounts for participation in wellness programs.

Classification Commune des Actes Médicaux

In public and private hospitals, the DRG and its pricing of hospital stays provided to health insurance as part of T2 A.

Dina Titus

Titus authored a bill that requires health insurance companies to cover the costs of the HPV vaccine, Gardasil.


Fallon Community Health Plan, A health insurance provider in the northeast United States

Gregory Floyd

He also serves as a Commissioner of the Board of the IBT Human Rights Commission (he was appointed by IBT General President James P. Hoffa), while also holding a seat on the Board of Group Health Insurance (GHI), and the Health Insurance Plan of New York (HIP).


HBF Health Fund, a provider of private health insurance in Western Australia

Health insurance coverage in the United States

A study published in the American Journal of Public Health in 2009 found that lack of health insurance is associated with about 45,000 excess preventable deaths per year.

Health insurance in the United States

Shortly after his inauguration, President Clinton offered a new proposal for a universal health insurance system.

Health insurance premium index

In Switzerland the Health insurance premium index is compiled by the Federal Social Insurance Office (for the basic health insurance) and by the Federal Statistical Office (for the field of supplementary insurances).

Healthcare policies of candidates in the United States presidential election, 2008

It remains to be seen if the resulting law can be fully implemented because of conflicts with the Federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) that limits state regulation of employer health insurance.

International Society of Genetic Genealogy

In 2008 ISOGG supported the passing of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act designed to prohibit the improper use of genetic information in health insurance and employment in the United States.

James L. Graham

While serving with the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, he supplied a dissenting opinion on a decision upholding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act mandate to purchase health insurance.

James S. Doyle

Since then he has been a senior adviser to Business Leaders for Sensible Priorities, a non-profit set up by Ben Cohen of Ben & Jerry's aimed at convincing the public of a need to shift 15% ($40 billion-plus) from defense procurement of Cold-War weapons to domestic programs such as child health insurance and Head Start.

Joseph Luco Pagano

In a 1977 article, the New York Times said that Pagano had ordered beatings and arson attacks against Bronx health facility operators to gain their participation in a scheme to extort thousands of dollars from the Medicaid health insurance fund.

Medical underwriting

A study conducted by the Commonwealth Fund in 2001 found that, among those aged 19 to 64 who sought individual health insurance during the previous three years, the majority found it expensive, and less than a third ended up purchasing insurance.

Mignot Memorial Hospital

Residents of Guernsey, Alderney, Herm or Jethou paying Social Security contributions are covered by the Specialist Health Insurance Scheme and so may receive specialist care and treatment free of charge at the hospital.

National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius

On January 31, 2011, Judge Roger Vinson ruled that the mandatory health insurance "individual mandate"—the provision of Internal Revenue Code section 5000A imposing a "shared responsibility penalty" on nearly all Americans who fail to purchase health insurance—was outside the power of Congress.

Nelson Cruikshank

Sen. Russell B. Long (D-Louisiana) offered an amendment in the Senate Finance Committee that would have turned Medicare into a catastrophic health insurance plan, rather than a general insurance program.

Operation Kids

2004- Senator Orrin Hatch accepted the first Operation Kids Lifetime Achievement Awards for his efforts to help kids at a legislative level, including founding efforts and funding support for The National Crime Prevention Council, Best Buddies International, and numerous funding initiatives assisting children with critical needs from health insurance to education.

Preserving Our Hometown Independent Pharmacies Act of 2011

Preserving Our Hometown Independent Pharmacies Act of 2011 (H.R. 1946) is legislation that was introduced in the 112th United States Congress on May 23, 2011, with the full title of the bill stating to "ensure and foster continued safety and quality of care and a competitive marketplace by exempting independent pharmacies from the antitrust laws in their negotiations with health plans and health insurance insurers".

Robert Derzon

President of the United States Jimmy Carter appointed Derzon to serve as the first head of the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA, later called the CMS), an agency created in March 1977 with the responsibility for overseeing both Medicare, which provides health insurance for those over age 65, and Medicaid, which provides health insurance for the poor.

Social security in Turkey

Social security in Turkey is provided by the state via the Sosyal Güvenlik Kurumu (Social Security Institution, SGK), with additional private services (pensions, health insurance, etc) widely available.

Thomas Trimarco

He also played an important role in the passage of the Massachusetts health care reform law and served as chairman ex officio of the Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector Authority, which was given broad powers to implement and oversee the law.

Veronica De La Cruz

Nine Inch Nails front man Trent Reznor joined the cause and raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for Mr. De La Cruz as well as bringing much needed attention to the fight for proper health insurance.

Yadlin affair

Yadlin was known to be a gambling buff (favoring the Las Vegas roulette table) with an eye for pretty women, He was also a major fund raiser for the Labor Party; since 1973, he has headed Israel's huge Kupat Holim health-insurance program.