Set in the midst of the 2000 presidential election, American Violet tells the story of a young mother named Dee Roberts (Nicole Beharie), a 24 year-old African-American single mother of four living in the town of Melody (based on Hearne, Texas, where the real incident took place).
The film is based on the civil rights lawsuit Regina Kelly v. John Paschall, filed on behalf of 15 African-American residents of Hearne, Texas who were indicted in November 2000 on drug charges after being rounded up in a series of drug sweeps the ACLU referred to as "paramilitary".
Lipman Hearne | Hearne, Texas | Vicki Hearne | Keith Hearne | "Young" Jack Hearne | Samuel Hearne | John Michael Hearne | John Edgar Colwell Hearne | Hearne |
The AAPD was founded on July 25, 1995 by Paul Hearne, Senator Bob Dole, John Kemp, Justin Dart, Tony Coelho, Pat Wright, Jim Weisman, Lex Frieden, Sylvia Walker, Paul Marchand, Fred Fay, I. King Jordan, Denise Figueroa, Judi Chamberlin, Bill Demby, Deborah Kaplan, Nancy Bloch, Max Starkloff, Mike Auberger, Neil Jacobson, Ralph Neas, Ron Hartley and others.
And, for instruction in the method of his historical studies, he may consult Hearne's Ductor Historicus, Wheare's Lectures, Rawlinson's Directions for the Study of History; and, for ecclesiastical history, Cave and Dupin, Baronius and Fleury.
A north-northwest-trending crustal segment transects from Kaminak Lake (central Hearne Domain) in the south to Yathkyed Lake (northern Hearne Domain) in the northwest, consisting of Archaen supracrustal belts that preserve mostly Archean mafic to felsic volcanic rocks (greenschist-grade supracrustal and granitoids), metamorphic cooling of hornblende and Proterozoic biotite.
At the 1996 election, Beazley won by just 387 votes against Liberal candidate Penny Hearne, who was later to quit the party and run as an independent against Court minister Doug Shave in the 1996 state election for the seat of Alfred Cove.
(Years later, Stephen LaBerge at Stanford conducted similar work to that of Hearne, whose work was the first published in a peer-reviewed article).
Lipman Hearne has worked with clients such as the Lions Clubs, Harvard University, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
Sarah Steelman (born Sarah Hearne; May 3, 1958) is an American Republican politician from Missouri and State Treasurer from 2005 to 2009.
The more prominent drivers over the years have included Gil Hearne (eight time champion), Tommie Elliott and Charlie Kremer, Jr. (both four time champions), John Blewett III, Jimmy Blewett (Two time champion), Jimmy Spencer (Garden State Classic winner), Tony Siscone (six time champion), Richie Evans, and Charlie Jarzombek (Garden State Classic winner).