
unusual facts about Hebrew poetry

Hebrew poetry

Hebrew poetry is poetry written in the Hebrew language.

Ernst Friedrich Karl Rosenmüller

He also published editions of Samuel Bochart's Hierozoicon (1796) and Robert Lowth's treatise on Hebrew poetry, De Sacra Poesi Hebraeorum Praelectiones Academicae (1815).

see also

Leah Goldberg

This group was led by Avraham Shlonsky, and was characterised by adhering to Symbolism especially in its Russian Acmeist form, and rejecting the style of Hebrew poetry that was common among the older generation, particularly that of Haim Nachman Bialik.

Shulamit Elizur

She is the head of the Fleischer Institute for the Study of Hebrew Poetry, a member of the Academy of the Hebrew Language, and a member of the editorial board of the Mekize Nirdamim publishing house.