
2 unusual facts about Heck cattle

Lille Vildmose

In 2003 the back-breeding project Projekt Urokse ('Project Aurochs') was initiated in Lille Vildmose, in which a crossbred population of Heck cattle, Chianina and Sayaguesa was released under controlled conditions and is being bred and selected for heightened similarity to the extinct aurochs in both morphology (looks) and instincts (behaviour).

Moose, beavers, wild horses and Heck cattle were proposed to be introduced in the protected zones.

Heinz Heck

The Heck horse aimed to recreate the Tarpan (the true European Wild Horse, ancestor of all European domestic horse breeds), and the Heck cattle, aimed to recreate the aurochs, the wild cattle of the European forest.

see also