Heinrich Hugo Karny (7 October 1886, Mödling – 7 August 1939, Kroisbach) was an Austrian physician and entomologist who specialised in Thysanoptera and Orthoptera.
Wysman’s Genera Insectorum 206: 317pp (1937)
He was a friend of Lucien Chopard and they were regular correspondents during Karny’s medical work in the Dutch East Indies.
Victor Hugo | Hugo Boss | Heinrich Himmler | Hugo | Heinrich Heine | Heinrich Schütz | Hugo Chávez | Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi | Hugo Award | Heinrich von Kleist | Hugo Black | Hugo Weaving | Heinrich Böll | Hugo Pratt | Hugo Grotius | Hugo Claus | Heinrich Isaac | Heinrich Marschner | Baron Hans Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza | Hugo Ball | Hugo von Hofmannsthal | Heinrich Mann | Heinrich Hertz | Heinrich Graetz | Heinrich Böll Foundation | Christian Heinrich Friedrich Peters | Wilhelm Heinrich Roscher | Johann Heinrich Lambert | Hurricane Hugo | Hugo Santiago |