
3 unusual facts about Heinrich Steinhowel

Chanticleer and the Fox

The story became well known in Europe because of its connection with several popular literary works and was eventually recorded in collections of Aesop's Fables from the time of Heinrich Steinhowel and William Caxton onwards.

Heinrich Steinhowel

Sometime after 1460 he became the personal physician of Eberhard I, Duke of Württemberg.


Heinrich Steinhowel (aka "Steinhöwel" "Steinhauel", "Steinheil"; 1412, Weil - 1482, Ulm), a Swabian author, humanist, and translator

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

The story dates from Classical times but, since it was recorded only in Greek and not translated into Latin until the 15th century, it only began to gain currency after it appeared in Heinrich Steinhowel's collection of the fables and so spread through the rest of Europe.

see also