The Players' Union funded his legal costs but an erroneous strategy by Kingaby's counsel resulted in the suit being dismissed.
They had funded the legal costs of outside right, Herbert Kingaby, but erroneous strategy by the player's counsel resulted in the suit being dismissed.
Herbert Hoover | Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener | Herbert von Karajan | Frank Herbert | Herbert Marcuse | Herbert Read | Herbert Blomstedt | Herbert Grönemeyer | Herbert Beerbohm Tree | Matthew Herbert | Herbert Spencer | Victor Herbert | Herbert | Herbert A. Simon | George Herbert | Charles Herbert Best | Herbert Howells | George Herbert, 5th Earl of Carnarvon | Brian Herbert | Aubrey Herbert | Sidney Herbert, 1st Baron Herbert of Lea | Herbert Chapman | Herbert Baumann | Herbert Austin | George Herbert Mead | Herbert Wise | Herbert Gintis | Herbert de Losinga | Henry Herbert, 4th Earl of Carnarvon | Herbert Wilcox |