
unusual facts about Herbivore


Acklins ground iguana

Like all Cyclura species the Acklins ground iguana is primarily herbivorous, 95% of which from consuming leaves, flowers and fruits from 7 different plant species such as seaside rock shrub (Rachicallis americana), and erect prickly pear (Opuntia stricta).

Akera bullata

This is a herbivorous bottom dweller (up to 370 m deep), which feeds on seagrasses in the genera Zostera and Posidonia.


It underwent extensive diversification from mid or late Cretaceous to early Cenozoic, correlating with the radiation of flowering plants and associated herbivores, the main hosts of braconids.

Cyclura rileyi cristata

Like all Cyclura species the White Cay iguana is primarily herbivorous, 95% of which from consuming leaves, flowers and fruits from 7 different plant species such as Seaside Rock Shrub (Rachicallis americana), and Erect Prickly Pear (Opuntia stricta).


Like all equids, kiangs are herbivores, feeding on grasses and sedges, especially Stipa, but also including other local plants such as bog sedges, Carex, and meadow grass.

Littoraria angulifera

Littoraria angulifera is a herbivore and browses on fungi and algae growing on the mangroves.

Mark Purnell

In 2009, Purnell conducted a study into the chewing methods and diet of hadrosaurids, a herbivore species of duck-billed dinosaurs from the Late Cretaceous period.


It is clear that these animals evolved from Nycteroleterids, perhaps a Rhipaeosaur-like form to fill the large herbivore niche(or guild) that had been occupied early in the Permian period by the Caseid pelycosaurs and before then the Diadectid amphibians and Edaphosaur reptiles.


The herbage and seeds of these grasses are food for herbivores, such as the Chestnut-breasted Mannikin (Lonchura castaneothorax), the caterpillar of the butterfly Melanitis phedima, and the larvae of the fly genus Delia.

Phyllium bioculatum

As a herbivore Phyllium bioculatum mainly eats mango, guava, cherry, dewberry, raspberry, blackberry, oak, bramble, Nephelium lappaceum (Rambutan), and in captivity some accept Quercus and Rubus species.

see also