
4 unusual facts about Carex

Beinn a' Ghlò

It is a region of European dry heaths and there are many species of alpine and marsh plants on the mountain such as the rare yellow oxytropis (Oxytropis campestris), mountain avens (Dryas octopetala), rock speedwell (Veronica fruticans), rock sedge (Carex rupestris) and green spleenwort (Asplenium viride).

Dytiscus latissimus

It is an aquatic species and it inhabits in dense vegetation, mainly of Carex and Equisetum, at the edges of lakes or in non-flowing waters and deep ponds.

Großes Meer

The former Siersmeer and Heerenmeeder Meer in the southern part of the nature reserve have completely silted up and now form a large expanse of sedge with transitions to grey willow bushes.

Yandang Mountains

A species of sedge, Carex yandangshanica, has been described from Mt. Yandang and two other mountainous locations in Zhejiang.

Briddlesford Nature Reserve

Other locally distributed ancient woodland specialities include green hellebore (Helleborus viridis), greater butterfly orchid (Platanthera chlorantha) and thin spiked wood sedge (Carex strigosa).

Carex firma

Carex firma was first described by Nicolaus Thomas Host in 1797, in his work Synopsis Plantarum in Austria provinciisque adjacentibus sponte crescentium.

Carex oronensis

Associated plants include several species of Carex, such as C. scoparia, C. tenera, and C. tincta, plus Rumex acetosella, Leucanthemum vulgare, Ranunculus acris, Anaphalis margaritacea, Achillea millefolium, Phleum pratense, Vicia cracca, Juncus spp.

Carex rainbowii

Carex rainbowii was described in 2013 by a group of Spanish botanists, having previously been considered an introduced population of Carex sylvatica.


Amongst the vegetation present are two species which are very restricted in South West Britain, White Beaksedge (Rhynchospora alba) and Dioecious Sedge (Carex dioica).

Cleaver Heath Nature Reserve

Heswall Dales is regarded as the second best example (after Thurstaston Common) of lowland heath in Merseyside, hosting localised species including Western Gorse Ulex gallii, Many-stalked Spike Rush Eleocharis multicaulis and Green-ribbed Sedge Carex binervis.

Cleora cinctaria

The larvae feed various plants and trees, including Betula (including Betula verrucosa), Myrica gale, Carex, Salix, Populus tremula, Rubus idaeus, Sorbus aucuparia, Vicia cracca, Rhamnus frangula, Lysimachia vulgaris, Vaccinium myrtillus and Galium verum.

Ferdinand Paul Wirtgen

His work consisted of studies in the fields of floristics, phytogeography and plant systematics, of which he conducted systematic investigations of ferns and also plants from the genera Verbascum, Rubus, Salix, Rumex, Mentha, Rosa, Carex and Epilobium.


Like all equids, kiangs are herbivores, feeding on grasses and sedges, especially Stipa, but also including other local plants such as bog sedges, Carex, and meadow grass.


Above the semi-improved grassland is some bracken but much of the higher ground is covered in typical Calluna / Erica communities interspersed with large areas of Juncus, Carex and Sphagnum bogs.

Potentilla hippiana

Plant species occurring with this cinquefoil in multiple habitat types include prairie junegrass (Koeleria macrantha), elk sedge (Carex geyeri), western yarrow (Achillea millefolium), silvery lupine (Lupinus argenteus), common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), and beautiful fleabane (Erigeron formosissimus).

Sands of Forvie

The sand dunes are of various stages of evolution and contain marram grass (Ammophila arenaria), red fescue, (Festuca rubra), crowberry, (Empetrum nigrum), the cross-leaved heath (Erica tetralix), common sedge, (Carex nigra), marsh pennywort (Hydrocotyle vulgaris) and the invasive creeping willow (Salix repens ssp. argentea).

Smoky Wainscot

The larva is brown with dark and white lines and feeds on various grasses including Alopecurus, Dactylis, Deschampsia, Leymus and Phragmites and has also been recorded on the sedge, Carex and the rush, Luzula.

Southern Alps

Plants adapted to the alpine conditions include woody shrubs like Hebe, Dracophyllum, and Coprosma, the conifer Snow Totara (Podocarpus nivalis) and Carex sedge grasses.

see also