
unusual facts about Historia

2 Filhos de Francisco

2 Filhos de Francisco - A História de Zezé di Camargo e Luciano (Portuguese for Two Sons of Francisco - The History of Zezé di Camargo and Luciano) is a 2005 Brazilian drama film about the lives of the musicians Zezé Di Camargo & Luciano.

70 Años Peerless Una Historia Musical

70 Años Peerless Una Historia Musical is the fourth Hits album by Mexican iconic pop singer Verónica Castro, It was released in 2003 By Peerless Records, celebrating their 70th anniversary.

Albert Krantz

The principal of these are Chronica regnorum aquilonarium Daniae, Sneciae, et Noruagiae (Strassburg, 1546); Vandalia, sive Historia de Vandalorum jerq origine, etc. (Cologne, 1518); Saxonia (1520); and Metropolis, sive Historia de ecclesiis sub Carolo Magno in Saxonia (Basel, 1548).

Alfredo Chavero

He has made many investigations relative to Mexican antiquities, and written Historia Antigua de Mexico, also several works on Aztec archaeology, especially on old monuments.

Alfredo Zayas y Alfonso

:Carlos Márquez Sterling & Manuel Márquez Sterling, "Historia de la Isla de Cuba", 1975, New York, Regents Publishing Co. pp 178–181

Arnaldo Mussolini

Between 1923 and 1927, he dedicated himself to journalism and to various publishing ventures, creating a journal for the Opera Nazionale Balilla, the Domenica dell'Agricoltore (Sunday Farmer), Rivista Illustrata (Illustrated Review), which he co-founded with Manlio Morgagni, Illustrazione Fascista (Illustrated Fascism), Bosco e Historia (Forest and History), while continuing to lead Il Popolo d'Italia.

Asdrúbal Fontes Bayardo

Alfredo Parga - "Historia Deportiva del Automovilismo Argentino".

Brutus of Troy

The Historia Britonum states that "The island of Britain derives its name from Brutus, a Roman consul" who conquered Spain.

A variant version of the Historia Britonum makes Brutus the son of Ascanius's son Silvius, and traces his genealogy back to Ham, son of Noah.

Early translations and adaptations of Geoffrey's Historia, such as Wace's Norman French Roman de Brut, Layamon's Middle English Brut, were named after Brutus, and the word "Brut" came to mean a chronicle of British history.


In Book XII, Chapter XIV of the Historia, Cadwaladr is given as the last in a line of kings that began with Brutus of Troy.

Cadwgan ap Meurig

The chronicler Orderic Vitalis noted in his Historia Ecclesiastica that a Welsh king named "Caducan" suffered defeat in battle at the hands of William FitzOsbern, 1st Earl of Hereford, which would have happened in the year 1070.


Book IV Chapter 25 of the Historia ecclesiastica appears to suggest that Cædmon's death occurred at about the same time as the fire at Coldingham Abbey, an event dated in the E text of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle to 679, but after 681 by Bede.

Cinco Puntos Press

Cinco Puntos received national notoriety when, in March 1999, it published the book The Story of Colors / La Historia de los colores written by Subcomandante Marcos, the leader of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation in Mexico.

Columbus Breaking the Egg

The story told by Girolamo Benzoni in his Historia del Mondo Nuovo of 1565 was that at a meal several of Columbus's detractors began to comment that any number of other people could have found their way to the New World and that Columbus's feat was unremarkable because of its simplicity.

Cristina Marcano

Along with Alberto Barrera Tyszka, she authored Hugo Chávez Sin Uniforme: Una Historia Personal, which was published in 2005 by Random House Mondadori (ISBN 980-293-284-1).

Cristóbal de Olid

Accounts of how Olid died vary; Bernal Díaz del Castillo asserts in his Verdadera Historia de la Conquista de Nueva España that Las Casas had him beheaded at Naco, while Antonio de Herrera y Tordesillas wrote that Olid's own soldiers rose up against and then murdered him.

Edmund Reitter

As a corresponding member he worked with the Naturwissenschaftlichen Verein in Troppau, the Socíetas pro Fauna et Flora fennica in Helsinki und the Réal Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural in Madrid.

Felix Fabri

He left vivid and detailed descriptions of his pilgrimages to Palestine and also in 1489 authored a book on the history of Swabia, entitled Historia Suevorum.

Franz Steiner Verlag

Journals published by Franz Steiner include Historia, Geographische Zeitschrift, Hermes, and Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Literatur.

Gaius Appuleius Decianus

Gruen, Erich S. "Political Prosecutions in the 90's BC." Historia 15 (1966) 32–64.

Guido delle Colonne

He is the author of a prose narrative of the Trojan War entitled Historia destructionis Troiae ("History of the destruction of Troy") that was based on De excidio Trojae historia written by Dares Phrygius and Ephemeridos belli Trojani written by Dictys Cretensis.

Gustaf Adolf Montgomery

In 1848 he published a book, Historia öfver kriget emellan Sverige och Ryssland 1808 och 1809, critical of the Swedish leadership and praising the Russians.

Halfdan the Black

Heimskringla, Fagrskinna, Ágrip and Historia Norwegiæ all relate that Halfdan drowned when he fell through the ice at the inlet Røykenvik in the lake Randsfjorden on his return home from Hadeland.

Heinrich Leberecht Fleischer

His most important works were editions of Abu'l-Fida's Historia ante-Islamica (1831—1834), Samachshari's Golden Necklaces (Leipzig, 1835), and of Beidhawi's Commentary on the Koran (1846–1848).

Hermann Rudolph Aubert

With botanist Friedrich Wimmer (1803–1868), he published a German edition of Aristotle's Historia Animalium.

Historia Calamitatum

"Historia Calamitatum" is the name of a bonus track off of U.K. version of the album Appeal to Reason by the punk rock band Rise Against.

Historia Hierosolymitana

Jacques de Vitry's Historia Hierosolymitana, a history of the Holy Land from the advent of Islam until the crusades of his own day, written in 1219

Historia naturalis palmarum

Historia naturalis palmarum was based on Martius' travels in Brazil and Peru with zoologist Johann Baptist von Spix from 9 December 1817 to 1820.

Historia Norwegiæ

The only extant manuscript, in the private possession of the Earl of Dalhousie and kept at Brechin Castle, Scotland, is fragmentary; what we have of the Historia is found on folios 1r-12r.

Jaques De Lavardin

Jacques de Lavardin, was a lord in Plessis-Bourrot, squire and noble of the king of France, known for the translation of two works in French: the Celestine from Fernando de Rojas and of the Historia de vita et rebus gestis Scanderbegi, a chronic of the Kingdom of Gjergj Kastriot Skanderbeg from Marin Barleti.

José Amador de los Ríos

In another work, Historia social, política y religiosa de los judíos de España, he accepts the Spanish Jewish literature as part of the tradition, since it "bloomed" in Spanish soil.

Josep Romaguera

Romaguera was born in Barcelona during the Catalan Revolt (Guerra dels Segadors) against Castile in 1642 and lived until 1723, according to the epitaph of him published in the manuscript Historia Eclesiástica del principado de Cataluña by the Mercedarian historian Pere Serra i Postius.

Juan Bautista Muñoz

The first draft had been composed by Peter Martyr d'Anghiera in his Decadas (1511–25), which were supplemented shortly after by a small 1552 tract by Bartolomé de las Casas and the first part of the Historia (1535) of Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo (the rest of Las Casas and Oviedo would only appear in the 19th century; the life of Columbus by his son Ferdinand Columbus, only existed in an Italian edition (1571) at the time).

Juan Coronel

Diego López de Cogolludo, Historia de Yucatán (Madrid, 1688; Mérida, 1842);

Libellus responsionum

Before it was ever transmitted in Bede's Historia, however, the Libellus circulated as part of several different early medieval canon law collections, often in the company of texts of a penitential nature.

Los Tarantos

The film is based on the play La historia de los Tarantos written by Alfredo Mañas, and inspired by Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.

Lucía Etxebarría

Her first book was Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love’s biography: La historia de Kurt y Courtney: aguanta esto (1996).

Moreno Partido

The Museo de Historia Natural "Francisco Javier Muñiz" de Moreno was inaugurated in Moreno Partido in 1999 in honor of Francisco Javier Muñiz, who was considered the first paleontologist of Argentina.

National Academy of History of Argentina

Founded in 1893 by Ernesto Quesada, José Toribio Medina, and former President Bartolomé Mitre, the academy was originally chartered as the Junta de Historia y Numismática Americana (Argentine Society of History and Numismatics), and met in the home of Alejandro Rosa (located within the historic Illuminated Block, an erstwhile Jesuit center of learning).

Peter Langtoft

The first part of Langtoft's Chronicle is translated from Wace's Roman de Brut, and the second part is drawn from a number of sources, including Henry of Huntingdon's Historia Anglorum.


Johan Isaksson Pontanus, author of the 1631 Rerum danicarum historia

Postumus the Younger

The author(s) of the Historia asserts that Postumus the Younger was a skilled rhetor, and that his Controversiae were included among Quintilian's Declamationes.

Scotland during the Roman Empire

Forsyth, Katherine (2000) "Evidence of a lost Pictish Source in the Historia Regum Anglorum of Symeon of Durham", with an appendix by John T. Koch.

Sulpicius Alexander

His work is lost, but his Historia in at least four books is quoted by Gregory of Tours.

Tomb of the Virgin Mary

A narrative known as the Euthymiaca Historia (written probably by Cyril of Scythopolis in the 5th century) relates how the Emperor Marcian and his wife, Pulcheria, requested the relics of the Virgin Mary from Juvenal, the Patriarch of Jerusalem, while he was attending the Council of Chalcedon (451).

Uki Goñi

He is also the author of two previous books in Spanish, El infiltrado, la verdadera historia de Alfredo Astiz (Sudamericana, Buenos Aires 1996), regarding crimes committed by Argentina's 1976-83 military dictatorship, and Perón y los alemanes (Sudamericana, Buenos Aires 1998), on wartime links between Berlin and Buenos Aires.

Víctor Yturbe

Yturbe left behind as his legacy numerous recordings, which years later, and digitally remastered, would be used by well known musicians of Latin romantic music on a tribute CD with participants such as Cristian Castro (on the track Mil besos); Luis Fonsi (on the track Historia de un Amor) and Pandora (on the track Verdad Amarga), among many others.


The (dubious) Historia Augusta equally has a short description of Victorinus Junior, allegedly the son of Victorinus, who was appointed emperor by his family the day his father was murdered, and would have been killed immediately afterwards by the troops.

see also