
3 unusual facts about Guido delle Colonne

Guido delle Colonne

He is the author of a prose narrative of the Trojan War entitled Historia destructionis Troiae ("History of the destruction of Troy") that was based on De excidio Trojae historia written by Dares Phrygius and Ephemeridos belli Trojani written by Dictys Cretensis.

John Lydgate

In the Troy-book (30,117 lines), an amplified translation of the Trojan history of the thirteenth-century Latin writer Guido delle Colonne, commissioned by Prince Henry (later Henry V), he moved deliberately beyond Chaucer's Knight's Tale and his Troilus, to provide a full-scale epic.

The Troy Book was a translation of the Latin prose narrative by Guido delle Colonne, Historia destructionis Troiae.

see also