Being part of Fare Zone 2 for single ride tickets, the stop serves CCC Hoh Fuk Tong College's vicinity and the southeastern part of San Hui.
Datuk Hoh Khai Mun is the state executive council of Pahang who is in charge with local council, health, and the environment.
The earliest documented encounter between Europeans and the Hoh people occurred in 1787 when the British fur trader Charles William Barkley, captain of the Imperial Eagle, dispatched a boat up the Hoh River to trade with the natives.
Howie was evicted when George became HoH and joined Marcellas Reynolds as the second member of the jury.
The following week, Kaysar Ridha became Head of Household (HOH) and nominated James against Eric's secret partner Maggie Ausburn.
Over the next week, his fellow alliance member and subsequent HOH Kaysar's refusal to nominate the two Chilltown members Will Kirby and Mike "Boogie" Malin causes him to break away from the alliance and form the Legion of Doom with his friend Danielle Reyes and Chill Town.
The mixture of members with ethnic ties to the modern Quinault tribe is made up of the Quinault, Hoh, Chehalis, Chinook, Cowlitz, Queets, and Quileute peoples.