
unusual facts about Homeostasis

Sedimentary budget

When a beach environment is effected by wind, wave and tidal energy it responds with either positive or negative feedback which determines whether the system is balanced and in equilibrium.


APLP1 and APLP2 double knockout mice display hypoglycemia and hyperinsulinemia indicating that these two proteins are important modulators of glucose and insulin homeostasis.


T. Berry Brazelton has suggested that overstimulation may be a contributing factor to infant crying and that periods of active crying might serve the purpose of discharging overstimulation and helping the baby’s nervous system regain homeostasis.

Daily Me

In Steven Johnson's book Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities, and Software concerning emergent properties, Johnson addresses some of Negroponte's fears with homeostasis and feedback systems in mind.


In mice, EZH1 and EZH2 cogovern histone H3K27 trimethylation and are essential for hair follicle homeostasis and wound repair.

Fatty acid synthase

Metabolism and homeostasis of fatty acid synthase is transcriptionally regulated by Upstream Stimulatory Factors (USF1 and USF2) and sterol regulatory element binding protein-1c (SREBP-1c) in response to feeding/insulin in living animals.

Gaian Greens

Political Gaians are a relatively recent offshoot of the ecology movement—and get their name from the Gaia hypothesis, a postulate first devised by James Lovelock holding that the biosphere tends to homeorhetic balance or even homeostasis (with the implication that human beings should be working toward such balances or states.)

Generalised compound

The amount of generalized compound can be quantified in terms of weight, but more conveniently in terms of C-moles.The concept of strong homeostasis has an intimate relationship with that of generalised compound.


Nesiritide works to facilitate cardiovascular fluid homeostasis through counterregulation of the renin-angiotensin-aldoesterone system, stimulating cyclic guanosine monophosphate, leading to smooth muscle cell relaxation.


It is a potent inhibitor of epidermal proteases involved in maintaining skin homeostasis, including KLK5, KLK7 and KLK14.


Cholesterol homeostasis is regulated, at least in part, by sterol regulatory element (SRE)-binding proteins (e.g., SREBP1) and by liver X receptors (e.g., LXRA).

Tim Noakes

Noakes is also known for renewing and elaborating the idea first proposed by the 1922 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine winner Archibald Hill that a central governor regulates exercise to protect body homeostasis.

see also