
4 unusual facts about Homo mermanus

Homo mermanus

The game Marvel: Ultimate Alliance features a stage where the players must travel to the underwater city of Atlantis to stop a riot orchestrated by Attuma, who believes he will become the sea kingdoms' new ruler as foretold in the Atlantean Chronicles.

In Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Deluxe Edition #1: Abomination - Batroc's Brigade pp.

These contacts have often been hostile, and have included many aborted invasions (Atlantis Attacks etc.) and even separate occasions when large numbers of Homo mermanus were rendered comatose or sterilized for periods.


She is the daughter of Llyron, a member of the water-breathing Homo mermanus who dwell in Lemuria, and Rhonda Morris, a surface woman who inherited her father's oceanarium in Hawaii.

see also