
3 unusual facts about Homo

Gustav Heinrich Ralph von Koenigswald

Later, Pithecanthropus was incorporated into the genus Homo as Homo erectus.


About 100,000 years ago, some H. sapiens sapiens migrated from Africa to the Levant and met with resident Neanderthals, with some admixture.

The nuclear DNA results indicate about 30% of derived alleles in H. sapiens are also in the Neanderthal lineage.

A Requiem for Homo Sapiens

A Requiem for Homo Sapiens is a trilogy of science fiction novels written by David Zindell that is made up of The Broken God (1992), The Wild (1995), and War in Heaven (1998).

Australopithecus sediba

In an accompanying news article published with the initial descriptions in 2010, detractors of the idea that A. sediba might be ancestral to the genus Homo (e.g. Tim White and Ron Clarke) suggest that the fossils could be a late southern African branch of Australopithecus, co-existing with already existing members of the Homo genus.

Big Body

It's also a concept album based on the SF stories of Theodore Sturgeon (More Than Human) and Kurt Vonnegut (The Sirens of Titan); telling a story where the human race was transformed into a species named "Homo Gestalt" by computer networks, having a "Journey Through Your Body" theme.

Brain size

However, modern Homo sapiens have a brain volume slightly smaller (1250 cm3) than neanderthals, women have a brain volume slightly smaller than men (see before) and the Flores island hominins (Homo floresiensis), nicknamed hobbits, had a cranial capacity of about 380 cm3 (considered small for a chimpanzee) about a third of that of H. erectus.

Cecilia Lucy Brightwell

After Dürer: Ecce Homo (from etching); Ecce Homo (from wood-cut).

Charles Kains Jackson

In it, he praised such artists as Henry Scott Tuke (to whom he dedicated a homo-erotic sonnet entitled "Sonnet on a picture by Tuke") and Henry Oliver Walker.

Cortège for Rosenbloom

The transcendental naturalism of some of Colin McGinn's work, which construes the mind-body connection (the `world knot') as a natural feature of homo sapiens but `cognitively closed' to our epistemic horizons, is a philosophical analog of this outlook.

D-bifunctional protein deficiency

Many mutations have been found in the gene coding for D-BP(HSD17B4)on the q arm two of chromosome five (5q2) in Homo sapiens, most notably individuals homozygous for a missense mutation (616S).

Ecce homo

Following the Holocaust of World War II, Otto Dix portrayed himself as the suffering Christ in a concentration camp, in Ecce Homo with self-likeness behind barbed wire (1948).

Gordon L. Brady

He has published more than 70 papers and 3 books, including Government: Whose Obedient Servant? A Primer on Public Choice. With Arthur Seldon and Gordon Tullock (2000), On the Trail of Homo Economicus: Essays by Gordon Tullock Edited with Robert Tollison (1994) and Duncan Black: Selected Works of the Unpublished Legacy Edited with Gordon Tullock (1995).

Great Lakes Avengers

Doorman is revived soon after his death and learns that he is connected to the Darkforce, while Mr. Immortal learns that as an immortal he is considered Homo Supreme.

History of the Levant

It would appear this sets the date by which Homo sapiens Upper Paleolithic cultures begin replacing Neanderthal Levalo-Mousterian, and by c.

Homer Alone

The scene freezes, during which Bart and Homer's scientific names are given as Brat'us Don'thaveacow'us and Homo Neanderthal'us respectively.


In humorous usage, the comedian Pablo Francisco has utilized the similarity between "homie" and "homo" in some of his stand-up routines.


Through DNA comparison, scientists believe the Pan / Homo divergence occurred between 5.4 and 6.3 million years ago, after an unusual process of speciation that ranged over 4 million years.

Homo antecessor

Archaeologist Eudald Carbonell i Roura of the Universidad Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona, Spain and palaeoanthropologist Juan Luis Arsuaga Ferreras of the Complutense University of Madrid discovered Homo antecessor remains at the Gran Dolina site in the Sierra de Atapuerca, east of Burgos.

Homo consumericus

Homo consumericus (mock Latin for consumerist person) is a neologism used in the social sciences, notably by Gad Saad in his book The Evolutionary Bases of Consumption.

Homo floresiensis

Supporters of H. floresiensis such as Chris Stringer and Dean Falk attribute opposition partly to the fact that the existence of the species challenges the theories of multiregionalists, who believe that Homo sapiens was the only living species of hominin, evolving simultaneously in different regions, at the time when the Flores individuals were alive.

Homo floresiensis was unveiled on 28 October 2004, and was swiftly nicknamed the "Hobbit", after the fictional race popularized in J. R. R. Tolkien's book The Hobbit, and a proposed scientific name for the species was Homo hobbitus.

Homo habilis

In 1989, "Mr. Habilis", a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles character, was named after being a homo habilis (specified to be the first one).

Homo mermanus

These contacts have often been hostile, and have included many aborted invasions (Atlantis Attacks etc.) and even separate occasions when large numbers of Homo mermanus were rendered comatose or sterilized for periods.

Homo Necans

Burkert acknowledges that a decisive impulse for the thesis of Homo Necans derived from Konrad Lorenz' On Aggression (1963).

KO-D 6-Man Tag Team Championship

Team Homo Sapiens (Aja Kong, Danshoku Dino and Makoto Oishi) are the current champions in their first reign as a team.

Lumbar vertebrae

This difference, and because the lumbar spines of Nacholapithecus (a Miocene hominoid with six lumbar vertebrae and no tail) are similar to those of early Australopithecus and early Homo, it can be assumed that the Chimpanzee-human last common ancestor (PHLCA) also had a long axial column with a long lumbar region, and that the reduction in the number of lumbar vertebrae occurred independently in each ape clade.

Orang-Outang, sive Homo Sylvestris: or, the Anatomy of a Pygmie Compared with that of a Monkey, an Ape, and a Man

Orang-Outang, dive Homo Sylvestris: or, the Anatomy of a Pygmie Compared with that of a Monkey, an Ape, and a Man, is Edward Tyson's seminal work on anatomy, for which he became known as the father of comparative anatomy.


STAT5 can also form homo-tetramers, usually in concert with the histone methyltransferase EZH2, and act as a trancriptional repressor.

Steven Ozment

Homo spiritualis: a comparative study of the anthropology of Johannes Tauler, Jean Gerson and Martin Luther (1509-16) in the context of their theological thought.

Svante Pääbo

In March 2010, Pääbo and his coworkers published a report about the DNA analysis of a finger bone found in the Denisova Cave in Siberia; the results suggest that the bone belonged to an extinct member of the genus Homo that had not yet been recognized, the Denisova hominin.

The Denial of the Historicity of Jesus in Past and Present

Like Schweitzer, Drews, again, ignores the priority of Baron d'Holbach in publishing the first critical "Life of Jesus", with Ecce Homo!

The Kominas

The first Kominas' song ever released was "Rumi was a Homo (But Wahhaj Is a Fag)", by the website Muslim Wake Up! in response to then recent homophobic comments made by the Imam Siraj Wahhaj.

The Return of Mr. Bean

This is the first episode to feature the 'Bean falling from sky' opening and the theme tune (Ecce homo qui est faba) performed by the Choir of Southwark Cathedral.

Timothy Stansfeld Engleheart

He engraved some of the plates in ‘The British Museum Marbles,’ but seems to have removed to Darmstadt, as there is a fine engraving by him of ‘Ecce Homo,’ after Guido Reni, executed at Darmstadt in 1840.

Toni Rothmund

Her conversations with the denizens of the mountain illustrate Man's inhumanity to man and the essential animality of Homo sapiens.

Vratislav Mazák

Jak vznikl člověk: Sága rodu Homo (1977), The Origin of Man - Saga of the Homo genus; with Zdeněk Burian

William Woodthorpe Tarn

In fact, portrayals of Alexander in some high school and college world history text books still reflect Tarn more than anyone who has come after". Reames also saw Tarn's strong influence in Mary Renault's trilogy of historical novels about Alexander - though Renault's acknowledged Alexander's homo-erotic tendencies, while Tarn had regarded references to them in ancient sources as "defamations" which the Macedonian king had to be defended against.

see also