An episode of A Different World entitled "Goodwill Games" revolves around the premise of Dwayne Wayne and Whitley Gilbert competing in Hillman College's Campus All-Star Challenge tournament.
From 1989 to 2011, Honda Campus All Star Challenge used the same gameplay structure as two of its sister shows- College Bowl and University Challenge.
Star Trek | Star Wars | Honda | Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Star Trek: Voyager | Star Trek: The Original Series | Star Trek: The Next Generation | Toronto Star | Bronze Star Medal | Silver Star | The Star-Spangled Banner | Red Star Belgrade | Challenge Cup | star | White Star Line | Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith | Star Trek: Enterprise | Star of David | Order of the Star of India | Major League Baseball All-Star Game | Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace | Star Cinema | Order of the Polar Star | Challenge Tour | Fort Worth Star-Telegram | Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones | Star Search | Big Star | Lone Star | Big Star (band) |
{Rewrite for clarity} A new event, which aired on Speed Channel and was sponsored by Kobalt Tools, was a race among NEXTEL Cup crew chiefs driving small Legends Thunder Roadster Cars (the creation of Lowe's Motor Speedway president H.A. "Humphy" Wheeler) on the quarter-mile oval in front of the main track's grandstand.
A new event that served as a preliminary to the All-Star Challenge, which aired on Speed Channel, was a race among NEXTEL Cup crew chiefs, sponsored by Kobalt Tools.
During the years Fox showed the Challenge, it was held at the same site as that year's Super Bowl.
The event, produced by Chicago-based Intersport, features senior-class college football players competing in a number of skills contests, including throwing for distance, throwing for accuracy, shuttle runs, and powerlifting.
In 2009 however, when Super Bowl XLIII was held at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida, the event was televised from Pepin/Rood Stadium at the University of Tampa.