The Honolulu Courthouse Riot, or the Election Riot, occurred in February 1874 when Hawaiian followers of Queen Emma, known as Emmaites, attacked supporters of King Kalakaua on the latter's election day and started a riot.
Honolulu | Honolulu Museum of Art | Quiet Riot | Kailua, Honolulu County, Hawaii | Honolulu International Airport | riot | Chicago Race Riot of 1919 | White Riot | Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse | I Predict a Riot | Honolulu Star-Bulletin | Ra Ra Riot | Lager Beer Riot | Honolulu Marathon | Sandra Day O'Connor United States Courthouse | Roman Catholic Diocese of Honolulu | Riot Act | Pussy Riot | New York City Police Riot | Allegheny County Courthouse | Warren County Courthouse | Ventura County Courthouse | Sidney M. Aronovitz United States Courthouse | Riot on Sunset Strip | Riot Grrrl | riot Grrrl | riot control | Riot | race riot | Pioneer Courthouse Square |