Many saw this as a means of attacking German immigrants and on April 21, the move sparked the Lager Beer Riot after several tavern owners were arrested for selling beer on a Sunday.
beer | Quiet Riot | riot | Chicago Race Riot of 1919 | Beer Barrel Polka | White Riot | I Predict a Riot | Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps | Ra Ra Riot | Porter (beer) | Phil Beer | Lager Beer Riot | Riot Act | Pussy Riot | One Fierce Beer Coaster | New York City Police Riot | Maggie Beer | Buddy's Beer Garden | Beer Hall Putsch | Beer | Warwickshire Beer Company | Riot on Sunset Strip | Riot Grrrl | riot Grrrl | riot control | Riot | Red Horse Beer | race riot | Meer Uitgebreid Lager Onderwijs | Low-alcohol beer |
In 1855, Chicago Mayor Levi Boone threw Chicago politics into the national spotlight with some dry proposals that would lead to the Lager Beer Riot by the wets.