It is part of the Yambuk Important Bird Area, identified as such by BirdLife International because of its importance for the conservation of threatened species such as the Orange-bellied Parrot and Hooded Plover.
It also supports over 1% of the world populations of Pied and Sooty Oystercatchers, and Hooded Plovers, as well as populations of most of Tasmania’s endemic bird species.
Piping Plover | Plover | Hooded Plover | Plover, Wisconsin | Oriental Plover | Jacob Two Two Meets the Hooded Fang | Hooded Crane | Double-banded Plover | plover | Pacific Golden Plover | Mountain Plover | Hooded Crow | Black-hooded Coucal | Wilson's Plover | Saint Helena Plover | Kittlitz's Plover | Hooded Parrot | hooded crane |
Containing the most extensive intertidal mudflats in Victoria, it supports over 1% of the world populations of Chestnut Teal, Far Eastern Curlew, Red-necked Stint, Pied and Sooty Oystercatchers and the Hooded Plover.
Other threatened bird species that have been observed within the park include Short-billed Black Cockatoo, Peregrine falcon, Hooded Plover, Little Bittern and Red-eared Firetail.