
unusual facts about Hormone-sensitive lipase

Starvation response

Epinephrine precipitates lipolysis by activating protein kinase A, which phosphorylates hormone sensitive lipase (HSL) and perilipin.

Ángel Guillermo Heredia Hernández

He created a number of doping substances and methods, with a combination of testosterone, growth hormone and EPO being his most successful.

Arie Jan Haagen-Smit

(One other member of the mafia was Frits Warmolt Went.) Two other scientists and he jointly published a paper on traumatic acid, a wound healing hormone, in Science in 1939.


Betapoietin is the trade name of erythropoietin beta made by CinnaGen and Zahravi, a hormone treatment for anaemia and sometimes used in chemotherapy

Bovine somatotropin

In 1997, the news division of WTVT (Channel 13), a Fox-owned station in Tampa, Florida, planned to air an investigative report by Steve Wilson and Jane Akre on the health risks associated with Monsanto's bovine growth hormone product, Posilac.


CRHBP is a corticotrophin releasing hormone binding protein which could possibly play a role in a signal cascade that involves or activates C11orf73.

Carl Værnet

In order to further his hormone research, he was introduced to the leading SS physician Ernst Grawitz by the operatic tenor Helge Rosvaenge.

Chemical messenger

Neuropeptide, a protein sequence which acts as a hormone or neurotransmitter

Choh Hao Li

In 1970 he succeeded in synthesizing this hormone, the largest protein molecule synthesized up to that time.


Chromophil cells, hormone producing cells showing chromaffin granules that readily absorb chromium stains.


Cortisone (C21H28O5), a hormone

Cortisol (C21H30O5), a hormone


Dihydrotestosterone, a potent endogenous androgenic hormone, derived from testosterone

Dioscorea bulbifera

These varieties contain the steroid, diosgenin, which is a principal material used in the manufacture of a number of synthetic steroidal hormones, such as those used in hormonal contraception.

Doctor Hormone

Later, Doctor Hormone was employed as a researcher for the United States Army and worked in a laboratory at Fort Knox.

Drug Industry Document Archive

Lawsuits against Wyeth for the unethical promotion of the hormone replacement drug Premarin to women.


The best-understood receptors that are found concentrated in coated vesicles of mammalian cells are the LDL receptor (which removes LDL from circulating blood), the transferrin receptor (which brings ferric ions bound by transferrin into the cell) and certain hormone receptors (such as that for EGF).


Entero-oxyntin is a hormone released from intestinal endocrine cells which stimulates gastric acid secretion in the stomach.


Ethisterone was also marketed in the U.S. from the 1950s into the 1960s under a variety of trade names by other pharmaceutical companies that had been members of the pre-World War II European hormone cartel (Ciba, Organon, Roussel).

Greatest the Hits 2011–2011

The single peaked at number 1 for two consecutive weeks on the Oricon charts selling more than 81,000 in its first week, and making this the first time Maximum the Hormone has ever topped a chart since their creation in 1998.

Growth hormone in sports

A report from the United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on steroid and growth hormone use found that the misguided use of HGH by professional athletes and entertainers was fuelling the industry peddling the drug to the general public for medically inappropriate uses.

Growth hormone-binding protein

Normal serum levels of growth hormone Binding Protein 3 may rule out growth hormone insensitivities, like those seen in Laron syndrome.

Hormone Research in Paediatrics

Hormone Research in Paediatrics is a monthly peer-reviewed medical journal covering paediatric endocrinology published by Karger Publishers and the editor-in-chief is Paul Czernichow (Hôpital Robert-Debré).

Human height

Somatotropin also stimulates the release of another growth inducing hormone Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) mainly by the liver.

Japanese rice fish

They have been genetically modified to secrete various human hormones, express promoter sequences from other fish, and to make antimicrobial proteins and a protein that makes the medaka glow fluorescent green.

Luteinizing hormone/choriogonadotropin receptor

Luteinizing hormone/choriogonadotropin receptor has been shown to interact with GIPC1.


miR-375 has been shown to target the MTPN gene, which encodes the myotrophin protein, that regulates hormone release and exocytosis.


In patients with Huntington's disease and chronic schizophrenia, oral doses of muscimol have been found to cause a rise of both prolactin and growth hormone.


Guillemin and Schally were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 1977 for their contributions to understanding "the peptide hormone production of the brain".


Research carried out at the Stanford University School of Medicine in 2005 identified obestatin as a new hormone with a bioinformatics approach by computer search of the sequenced genomes of several organisms.


It is known to bind both the GLP-1 receptor and the glucagon receptor, but it is not known whether the effects of the hormone are mediated through these receptors or through an unidentified receptor.

Peter Frechette

Frechette's first major screen role was the hormone-driven Louis DiMucci in Grease 2.


The company's facilities in Strängnäs Sweden are presently being expanded for the production of Genotropin, a growth hormone.


Yalow received the Nobel Prize in Medicine for the development of the RIA for insulin: the precise measurement of minute amounts of such a hormone revolutionized the field of endocrinology.

Regulation of gastric function

Gastrin is a hormone produced by enteroendocrine G cells in the pyloric glands.


In early 2009, Susan Schwab, outgoing US Trade Representative, announced a 300% tariff on the cheese, apparently the highest level by far of any in the package of tariffs placed on dozens of European luxury goods in response to a European ban on hormone treated US beef.

Short stature

Pharmaceutical companies Genentech and Eli Lilly, makers of human growth hormone, have worked to medicalize short stature by convincing the public that short stature is a disease rather than a natural variation in human height.

Somaclonal variation

Another way of reducing somaclonal variation is to avoid 2,4-D in the culture medium, as this hormone is known to introduce variation.


Tiratricol, a common thyroid hormone analogue used for treating thyroid hormone resistance syndrome

Vanja Perišić

On April 29, 2009, Perišić was among the Olympic non-medal winners, who tested positive for Cera, an advanced version of endurance-enhancing hormone EPO.

see also