Originally it was administered by Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, then the Rural Development Service for the United Kingdom Governments Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and currently Natural England following successive re-organisation of the departments.
The grasslands either side of the river are protected under the Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) scheme.
local government area | San Francisco Bay Area | Important Bird Area | Unincorporated area | Greater Toronto Area | Urban area | metropolitan area | New York metropolitan area | Bay Area Rapid Transit | urban area | European Economic Area | Area 51 | Greater Los Angeles Area | Chicago metropolitan area | South Pacific Area | Schengen Area | American Viticultural Area | Wide Area Augmentation System | Special Protection Area | Local area network | local area network | Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area | Billings Metropolitan Area | San Francisco Bay area | Portland metropolitan area | Local Government Area | Free Trade Area of the Americas | Elizabethtown metropolitan area | East Bay (San Francisco Bay Area) | Dublin Area Rapid Transit |
Kent houses a significant number of internationally important sites, including Special Protection Areas, Ramsar Wetlands, Special Areas of Conservation, Sites of Special Scientific Interest, National Nature Reserves, Environmentally Sensitive Areas, Local Wildlife Sites, Roadside Nature Reserves and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
The Aripo Savannas, a part of the Aripo Savannas Prohibited Area and Environmentally Sensitive Area, a natural savanna lowland ecosystem bounded by the Aripo River.
Carbines was also actively involved in several environmental campaigns, most notably the attempt to stop the move of the Coode Island chemical plant to the environmentally sensitive Point Lillias, and a proposal to build a rowing course on the site of the Belmont Common, another environmentally sensitive area on the outskirts of Geelong.