CNSs shared by paralogous clusters of Hox genes are candidates for expression regulating regions, possibly coordinating the similar expression patterns of these genes.
Hox genes regulate the operation of other genes by switching them on or off in various parts of the body, for example “make an eye here” or “make a leg there”.
The loss of limbs in Eupodophis may have been the result of changes in Hox genes, genes that specify the development specific regions of the body.
In 1983, the homeobox was discovered independently by researchers in two labs: Ernst Hafen, Michael Levine, and William McGinnis (in Walter Gehring's lab at the University of Basel, Switzerland) and Matthew P. Scott and Amy Weiner (in Thomas Kaufman's lab at Indiana University in Bloomington).
miR-615 has been found to reside within Hox gene clusters, alongside Hox genes other miRNAs.
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