
unusual facts about Hugh I, Count of Empúries

Alan II, Duke of Brittany

On 1 August 939, with the aid of Judicael (Berengar), count of Rennes, and Hugh I, count of Maine, his victory was made complete by defeating the Norse at Trans.

Hugh I, Count of Empúries

Ermesinda of Carcassonne, the widow of Ramon Borrell, Count of Barcelona, reclaimed the allod of Ullastrell, which had been sold by Borrell and subsequently invaded by Hugh.

The division took place on the death of Gausfred, but on the death of Giselbert in 1014, Hugh tried to reunify the counties and invaded the county of his nephew, Gausfred II.

By the testament of his father, dated 969, Hugh was to receive the county of Ampurias while his brother Giselbert received that of Roussillon.

Odo the Good Marquis

Guibert of Nogent, expressing some doubt that he has all his information correct, says that Tancred was the son of a certain marquis, accompanied his uncle Bohemond on the First Crusade, and that his brother William accompanied Hugh the Great (Tancredum marchionis cuiusdam ex Boemundi, nisi fallor, sorore filium; cuius frater cum Hugone magno praecesserat, cui Guillelmus erat vocabulum).

see also