
2 unusual facts about Odo the Good Marquis

Odo the Good Marquis

Robert the Monk, listing the crusaders who accompanied Bohemond, mentions "the most noble princes, namely Tancred, his i.e., Bohemond's nephew and the marquis's son. . ." (nobilissimi principes, Tancredus videlicet nepos suus and marchisi filius), confirming his father's rank but not his name.

Guibert of Nogent, expressing some doubt that he has all his information correct, says that Tancred was the son of a certain marquis, accompanied his uncle Bohemond on the First Crusade, and that his brother William accompanied Hugh the Great (Tancredum marchionis cuiusdam ex Boemundi, nisi fallor, sorore filium; cuius frater cum Hugone magno praecesserat, cui Guillelmus erat vocabulum).

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