
unusual facts about Humanitas Prize

Humanitas Prize for 30 Minute Network or Syndicated Television

The Humanitas Prize for 30 Minute Network or Syndicated Television is an award presented to the best written 30-minute network or syndicated television program.

Chris Sean Nolan

He has written several movies with Laurie Nolan, including Self Storage with Jeff Garlin and Scott Foley and the Disney movie Going to the Mat, which was nominated for a Humanitas Prize .

David Zabel

Zabel and R. Scott Gemmill were awarded the Humanitas Prize in the 60 minutes category in 2007 for their script for the twelfth season episode "There Are No Angels Here" which followed doctors from the Chicago set series performing aid work in a refugee camp in Darfur.

Ruben Santiago-Hudson

He adapted it for a highly acclaimed, award-winning 2005 HBO film, in which the parts would be played by different people, that won him the Humanitas Prize and earned Emmy and Writers Guild of America Award nominations.

Son-Rise: The Miracle Continues

It was revived and expanded from the original book, Son-Rise, which spawned into the NBC television movie Son-Rise: A Miracle of Love securing the Humanitas Prize award in the 90-minute category.

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