Standard Liège | Standard Oil | Standard & Poor's | Advanced Encryption Standard | Standard Chinese | standard | Standard Tibetan | The Weekly Standard | Standard Model | International Standard Book Number | atmosphere | Technical standard | Standard score | Standard Chartered | Standard | Gold Standard Laboratories | Evening Standard Award | Standard Motor Company | Manila Standard Today | Java Platform, Standard Edition | gold standard | English Standard Version | C standard library | Standard German | Standard Fruit Company | Standard English | Standard conditions for temperature and pressure | Standard Bank | Revised Standard Version | Presidential Standard |
At 780 m/s (2560 ft/s) muzzle velocity the standard GP 11 ball bullet retained supersonic velocity up to 800 m (875 yards) (V800 ≈ Mach 1.1) under ICAO Standard Atmosphere conditions at sea level (air density ρ = 1.225 kg/m3).