
unusual facts about IPCRI – Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information

IPCRI – Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information

Through him he was able to establish contact with a Hamas operative, and then with Ghazi Hamad, Hamas´s deputy Foreign minister.

Abby Leigh

# The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Israel

All Wrestling Organization

All Wrestling Organization is an independent wrestling promotion in Israel, currently operating out of Tira in the Central District of Israel.

Amir, Israel

American photographer Annie Leibovitz worked as a volunteer at Kibbutz Amir in 1969, and gelatin silver prints of her photos taken during her stay are now part of the collection of the Jewish Museum in New York.

Amuka, Israel

Children in the community learn in external schools: "Nof Harim" elementary school in Sasa, "Anne Frank" high school in Sasa, "Har VeGai" high school, and Einot Yarden high school.

Beirut Memorial

One memorial to the attack is located outside the U.S., where Gilla Gerzon, the director of the Haifa, Israel USO coordinated the creation of a memorial park that included 241 olive trees, one for each of the U.S. military personnel who died in the attack.

Binyumen Schaechter

His sister Gitl Schaechter-Viswanath is a Yiddish poet, sister Rukhl Schaechter is a journalist with the Yiddish Forward, and sister Eydl Reznik teaches Yiddish among the ultra-Orthodox community in Tsfat, Israel.

Bnot Ya'akov Bridge

Jacob's Ford was a key river crossing point and major trade route between Acre and Damascus.

Charles D. Coryell

In 1954 he received the Louis Lipsky Fellowship at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel.

Church of the Nativity

The Bas-relief of the Tree of Jesse is a large work by well-known religious sculptor Czesław Dźwigaj which was recently incorporated into the Church of St. Catherine as a gift of Pope Benedict XVI during his trip to the Holy Land in 2009.

Dan, Israel

According to Eric Ripert, chef and proprietor of Le Bernadin, considered the leading seafood restaurant in New York, and Jean Francois Bruel, chef of Daniel, a Michelin 3-star rated restaurant in Manhattan's Upper East Side, the best caviar on the market today is produced by Kibbutz Dan.

George Biddlecombe

When attached to the Talbot, 1838–42, he surveyed numerous anchorages on the Ionian station, in the Archipelago, and up the Dardanelles and Bosphorus; examined the south shore of the Black Sea as far as Trabzon, as well as the port of Varna, and prepared a survey, published by the admiralty, of the bays and banks of Akko.

Guy Barnea

Barnea was born and raised in Omer in southern Israel, the oldest of three sons and his brothers Nir and Or are also swimmers.

HaOved HaTzioni

The movement was established in 1936 by former members of HaNoar HaTzioni, and its first settlement, kibbutz Usha, was founded on 7 November 1937.

Henry Maundrell

Their circuit took them across Syria to Latakia, down the Syrian and Lebanese coasts as far as Acre, which they found in ruinous state save for a khan (caravanserai) occupied by some French merchants, a mosque and a few poor cottages.

Herman Barron

He played a large role in the development of Israel's first golf course, at Caesarea.


On one occasion, as recorded by Chaim Vital, Isaac Luria convened his students in the traditional location of the Idra Rabba Assembly near Meron, placing each one in the designated location of their former incarnations as the students of RASHB"I.

Inventing Our Life: The Kibbutz Experiment

Among those interviewed are first, second and third generation members from kibbutzim like Degania, the flagship commune established in 1910; Hulda, once near collapse and recently privatized; Sasa, the first to be settled entirely by Americans and today Israel's wealthiest kibbutz; and Tamuz, an urban kibbutz founded in 1987 and located in Beit Shemesh.

Ir Ganim

The Lavan Valley is situated between Ir Ganim and Givat Massuah to the east and Moshav Ora to the west.

Jewish Life Television

Its spotlight on Israel and Jewish life is facilitated by broadcast studios in Los Angeles, New York City and Toronto as well as bureaus in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Washington, D.C., Miami, London and Moscow.

Jews for Judaism

Jews for Judaism has 6 international offices located in: Los Angeles, California, Baltimore, Maryland/Washington in the United States; Toronto, Canada; Jerusalem, Israel; Sydney, Australia and Johannesburg, South Africa.

Jund al-Urdunn

During the Fatimid era, the principal cities were Acre, Tiberias, Baysan, Beit Ras, Jadur, Fiq, Tyre, Lajjun, Faradiyya, Kabul and Saffuriya.


Kidron, Israel, a small moshav near Gedera, which is named after the stream flowing through Kidron Valley

Kiryat Menachem

It is bordered by Ir Ganim to the south and east, Mount Ora to the west, and the Jerusalem Hills to the north.

Lebanese Independence Day

On July 14, 1941, an armistice was signed in Acre ending the clashes between the two sides and opening the way for General Charles de Gaulle's visit to Lebanon, thus ending Vichy's control.

Ma'abarot, Israel

Paul Tortelier, impressed by the ideals of the kibbutzim, settled and worked here for a year, with his family.

Meron, Israel

The association of Meron with the ancient Canaanite city of Merom or Maroma is generally accepted, though the absence of hard archaeological evidence means other sites a little further north, such as Marun as-Ras or Jebel Marun, have also been considered.


Mobileye N.V. is headquartered in the Netherlands, with a R&D Center in Jerusalem, Israel, and sales and marketing offices in Los Angeles, California; Detroit, Michigan; Nicosia, Cyprus and Tokyo, Japan.

Mt Carmel blind mole rat

Following the identification of S. carmeli in 2001, Nevo et al. recorded specimens in the vicinity surrounding the Afik, Kabri, and Tzippori settlements.

Nachum Dov Brayer

The Boyaner Rebbe traditionally lights the first bonfire at the annual Lag BaOmer celebration at the tomb of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai in Meron, Israel.

Omer, Israel

Shaul Ladany, world-record-holding Olympic racewalker, Bergen-Belsen survivor, Munich Massacre survivor, and Professor of Industrial Engineering

Operation Nachshon

On 31 March a 60 vehicle Jewish convoy was ambushed at Hulda and forced to turn back with the loss of five vehicles and 17 dead.

Palestine Park

Small hills represent biblical landmarks such as Mount Tabor and the Mount of Olives, with markers representing sites of biblical significance including Jacob's Well, Jericho, Bethsaida and a scale model of Jerusalem in the time of Jesus complete with a small replica of the ancient Jewish Temple.

Political accusations against the Baha'i Faith

In one edition of the faked memories, Dolgorukov is said to have provided money for Bahá'u'lláh to build a house in Acre, but Dolgorukov died in 1867, before Bahá'u'lláh arrived in Acre.

Portsmouth and Southsea Synagogue

In 1967, in the light of the good relationship which existed between Portsmouth and the Israeli Navy based in Haifa, Israel the Synagogue donated a Kiddush cup to the crew of the Submarine INS Dakar for its maiden voyage which ended in tragedy when the Submarine sank.


Sufa, Israel, a kibbutz in Israel and a border crossing between Israel and the Gaza Strip

The First Templar

Acre, in Palestine, the last Christian city in the Holy Land is under siege and about to fall into Mamluk hands.

Tira, Israel

Many High Schoolers from Tira have received Scholarships from Israeli Universities and participate in exchange programs such as Y.E.S (Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs), Seeds of Peace and CISV.

Via Maris

Beitzel, in contrast, denotes the Via Maris as a road from Ptolemais (Acco / Acre) to Kedesh.

Wilfrid B. Israel

On 26 March 1943 Israel left London for Lisbon, Portugal and spent the next two months distributing certificates of entry to British ruled Palestine, and investigating the situation of Jews on the peninsula; during World War II the fascist regimes in Spain and Portugal sympathized with Nazi Germany but refused to hand over Jews to the Germans.

Biographers describe him as an elegant, elusive figure most famously inspiring the character Bernhard Landauer in Christopher Isherwood’s celebrated novel Goodbye to Berlin.

Less officially, he formed a working partnership with Frank Foley, the British intelligence agent who was Passport Officer at the British consulate in Berlin, vouching for the characters of Jews in line to emigrate, while warning Foley of German agents who attempted to infiltrate.

William IV, Count of Nevers

William IV, Count of Nevers, (c. 1130 – Acre, 24 October 1168) Count of Nevers, Auxerre and Tonnerre (1161–1168).

Yakir Aharonov

1973–2006: Joint professorship at the Tel Aviv University, Israel and the University of South Carolina, America

see also