
2 unusual facts about Iconography

Iconography of 9-11

Due to the significance of the attacks, the extensive media coverage, including disturbing live pictures, and the discourse about the attacks in general, a strong iconographic meaning has been attached to the events of 9/11/2001.

Stipo a bambocci

One some surviving examples the Bambocci-figures correspond with each other and are composed in a certain iconographical context, such as the Expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Paradise on one Stipo a Bambocci in the Castello Sforzesco in Milan.

99 Flake

The pop-electronica duo The KLF used ice-cream van iconography and included the phrase "Make mine a 99" in their 1991 single version of "Justified and Ancient".


Abundantia occurs in the context of Mithraic iconography on a vase from Lezoux, in the Roman province of Gallia Aquitania, which presents the most complete depiction of the act of bull-slaying that was central to the religion.

Advaitic Songs

As with Pilgrimage and God Is Good, Advaitic Songs album cover again visits Christian Iconography.

Agatha of Sicily

in the Bibliothèque nationale de France, originating probably in Autun, Burgundy; in its margin illustrations Magdalena Carrasco detected Carolingian or Late Antique iconographic traditions.

Catechetical School of Alexandria

The new school currently has campuses in Alexandria, Cairo, New Jersey, and Los Angeles, where Coptic priests-to-be and other qualified men and women are taught on subjects including Christian theology, history, Coptic language and art – including chanting, music, iconography, and tapestry.

Caterina Magni

Caterina Magni (born 1966) is an Italian-born French archaeologist and anthropologist, who specialises in the study of pre-Columbian cultures of Mesoamerica, and in particular the iconography, art and mythology and religion of the Olmec civilization.

Cesare Ripa

Cesare Ripa (c. 1560 – c. 1645) was an Italian iconographer who worked for Cardinal Anton Maria Salviati as a cook and butler.

Circle of stars

In 1649, Francisco Pacheco (father-in-law of Velázquez) published his Art of Painting firmly establishing the detailed correct iconography for paintings of the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception, which included the circle of stars (he also advised the inquisition in Seville on artistic matters).

Cultural encoding

For example, interpunk.com uses punk iconography including a mohawk icon, fonts, and a do it yourself interface for selling music that cleary establishes the punk identity of the site.

Felipe Cardeña

Vittorio Sgarbi wrote that "Felipe Cardeña proposes the amateur technique of collage pursuing a repetitive and obsessive iconography as the daily rosary of a cloistered nun".

Four continents

The iconography survived as the Four Corners of the World, however, generally in self-consciously classicizing contexts: for instance, in New York, in front of the Beaux-Arts Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House (1907), four sculptural groups by Daniel Chester French symbolize the "Four Corners of the World."

Giovanni Coppa

Born in Alba, Giovanni Coppa attended the seminary there before studying at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, from where he obtain his doctorate in modern letters (with a dissertation entitled: "The iconography of the Most Holy Trinity from the origins to the 14th century").

Hamlet Watling

From c1867 to 1908 he wrote weekly columns for the Suffolk Chronicle and East Anglian Daily Times newspapers, in which he explained the iconography of church paintings to a wide readership and explored the Anglo-Saxon history of Suffolk.

Horst Bredekamp

The research foci of Horst Bredekamp are Iconoclastic Fury, sculpture of the Romanesque, art of the Renaissance and Mannerism, political iconography, art and technology, new media.

Jacques de Baerze

The iconography of the two artists' elements was designed to complement each other, with a painted sequence of scenes from the Infancy of Christ and within, carved scenes of the Adoration of the Magi, the Crucifixion in the centre, and the Entombment of Christ, flanked by saints on the inside of the side-panels.

Jean Ranc

Thanks to his fashion of allying the "melting touch of Riaud with the Castillian vehemence of Vélasquez", he gave birth to a new iconography for the Spanish Bourbons.

Lady Justice

Her modern iconography frequently adorns courthouses and courtrooms, and conflates the attributes of several goddesses who embodied Right Rule for Greeks and Romans, blending Roman blindfolded Fortuna (fate) with Hellenistic Greek Tyche (luck), and sword-carrying Nemesis (vengeance).

Lakshmi Tantra

A minimum is said about the ritualistic side of worship, and iconography is discussed only in the form of the dhyanas of the most important deities, such as Laksmi-Narayana, the Vyuhas, the main emanations of Laksmi, her retinue etc.

Lebes Gamikos

A typical lebes gamikos shows wedding scenes (including mythic weddings such as the wedding of Peleus and Thetis, but the iconography be also be related to scenes such as mimes.

Meditationes Vitae Christi

The work's detailed evocations of moments from the Gospels influenced art, and it has been shown to be the source of aspects of the iconography of the fresco cycle of the Life of Christ in the Scrovegni Chapel by Giotto.


Alan Gardiner identified the vulture that was used in divine iconography as a griffon vulture.

Nothing Painted Blue

References to mathematics are common in their songwriting and iconography (Bruno's undergraduate degree was in mathematics; he is currently a visiting professor in philosophy at Bard College); for example, their 1998 record was named after the Monte Carlo method.

Olmec influences on Mesoamerican cultures

In a subsequent, and feisty, paper, they imply, for example, that Olmec iconography may have originated in the early Tlatilco culture.

Pope Clement IX

He was also a patron of Nicolas Poussin, commissioning A Dance to the Music of Time from him and dictating its iconography.

Pyu city-states

Various Hindu Brahman iconography ranging from the Hindu trinity, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, to Garuda and Lakshmi have been found, especially in Lower Burma.

Rocky Balboa

The name, iconography, and fighting style of Rocky Balboa were inspired by the legendary heavyweight champion Rocky Marciano.

Satan Presiding at the Infernal Council

The bold iconography and design of Martin's engravings were inspirations for scenes in D. W. Griffith's films Birth of a Nation and Intolerance, and for the design of the Galactic Senate in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.


In Ripa's Renaissance iconography, the scarus fish symbolised civil "Union", i.e. the joining together of individuals into a collective body.

St. Anne's Anglican Church

The artwork by J. E. H. MacDonald, Frederick Varley, and Franklin Carmichael is religious iconography, something they are not generally known for.

see also