The story follows the adventures of two groups of robots, the good but non-heroic Awesomebots and the evil but non-astute Fantasticons, which come to Earth from Electronocybercircuitron, a planet populated by machines able to change from robot form to vehicle form, to continue their war here.
climate change | The Incredible Hulk | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change | The Incredible Hulk (1978 TV series) | Movement for Democratic Change | United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change | Movement for Democratic Change – Tsvangirai | Climate Change | That's Incredible! | 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference | Vote for Change | Climate change | The Incredible String Band | Movement for Democratic Change (pre-2005) | Union of Forces for Change | The Incredible Hulk (1977 TV series) | Phase-change material | Initiatives of Change | Change the World | | The Incredible Invasion | Small Change | Partners for Democratic Change International | I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change | Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage | Change We Must | Change of Habit | Change Myself | Challenge for Change | Bureau de Change |
ZolaOnAOL and ZoeOnAOL were short lived bots that ultimately retired their features in favor of SmarterChild.
Traditionally those chat bots were used over the IRC networks (see Internet Relay Chat bot) as opposed to XMPP chat rooms or corporate chatrooms like Hipchat/CampFire.
Bots have been developed, some based on neural net programs like gnubg, JellyFish, TD-Gammon, and Snowie, to allow human players to compete with these computer programs on FIBS and to analyze these programs' performance in real-world play.
In the videogames industry, apart from art directing console games (Teen Titans, Monster House, Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings), he designed some of the newer characters of the Carmen Sandiego franchise, such as Cole Gannon and the V.I.L.E. Bots for the videogame Carmen Sandiego: The Secret of the Stolen Drums.
Ilmari formed a short lived group with Kj and BOTS of Dragon Ash, and Shigeo of Skebo King called Steady & Co..
Targeted to swarm robotics, a field of artificial intelligence, it was developed within the Swarm-bots project, a Future and Emerging Technologies project coordinated by Prof. Marco Dorigo.
In addition, sites with spider traps usually have a robots.txt telling bots not to go to the trap, so a legitimate "polite" bot would not fall into the trap, whereas an "impolite" bot which disregards the robots.txt settings would be affected by the trap.
This approach allows detection of devices modified by the user, Windows Mobile devices, Legacy devices, Spiders and Bots, and is evidenced in at least one commercially available system.
The founder, J.D. Bots, later to be known as J.D. Bova first started the company that would come to be known as Bova in 1878 with the creation of a timber business in Valkenswaard.
When J.D. Bots died, he left the business to his eldest son Simon who first introduced the name Bova, which was derived from Bots Valkenswaard.