
unusual facts about Indonesian government

Shadia Marhaban

During the conflict between the Free Aceh Movement and the Indonesian government Shadia Marhaban worked as a journalist and a translator, most famously collaborating with journalist William Nessen on the documentary The Black Road in Aceh.

see also

Agung Laksono

Laksono is known for his brash condescendence and overtly harsh remarks towards Singapore, especially with regards to the island republic's diplomatic calls to the Indonesian government to curb the acrid trans-boundary haze that shrouds large areas of Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore annually as a result of extensive "slash and burn" cultivation in Sumatra, Kalimantan and other Indonesian territories.

Allison Sudradjat

Having completed Honours, Allison Sudradjat worked at the Indonesian embassy prior to traveling to Bandung, Indonesia to undertake a university scholarship at Padjadjaran University awarded by the Indonesian Government.

Anak Perawan di Sarang Penjamun

The film, adapted from the 1940 novel of the same name by Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana, was repeatedly blacklisted by the Indonesian government and only saw release several years after production ended.

Belgium–Indonesia relations

In August 2009 the Indonesian government has sent a pair of Sumatran elephants to Belgium to enliven the Indonesian Park.

Cornell Paper

In October 1975, ten years after the incident and after Suharto had become President, the Indonesian government sent a delegation of "military men and government intellectuals", led by intelligence officers Ali Murtopo and Benny Moerdani, to present a complete briefing of the coup and the events leading up to it.

Creative industries

Reflecting the growing interest in the potential of creative industries in developing countries, in October 2011 a Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy was created within the Indonesian government with well-known economist Dr Mari Pangestu appointed as the first minister to hold the position.

Filep Karma

His father, Andreas Karma, was a civil servant educated by the Dutch who had continued to work in the Indonesian government after independence, serving as a regent of Wamena, and Constant Karma, one of Filep Karma's cousin, served as deputy governor of Papua.

Francesco Nardelli

This plan is continuing under the leadership of the Department of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation of the Indonesian Government, assisted by the U.K. based Save the Rhino International, the U.S.A.’s International Rhino Foundation and other agencies.

Free Aceh Movement

On 27 February 2005, the Free Aceh Movement and the delegation of the Indonesian government started another round of peace talks in Vantaa, Finland, moderated by former Finnish president Martti Ahtisaari.

Indonesia Raya

Jozef Cleber a Dutch musician that arrived with a patron of 46 persons of Philharmonic Orchestra under direction of Yvon Baarspul was sent by the Netherlands Government to help the Indonesian Government for music development in Jakarta.

MacDonald House bombing

With the start of the Konfrontasi in 1962, the Indonesian Government (led by Sukarno) openly opposed the formation of Malaysia.

Mahakam River

Since the 1970s transmigration of people to East Kalimantan was organised by the Indonesian government especially in areas near River Mahakam.

Mari Pangestu

In late December 2012 the Indonesian Government nominated Mari Pangestu as a candidate for the position of Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO) to succeed the incumbent Director-General, Pascal Lamy, whose term ends in 2013.

Sekarmadji Maridjan Kartosuwirjo

Sekarmadji Maridjan Kartosuwirjo (January 7, 1905 - September 5, 1962) was an Indonesian Islamic mystic who led the Darul Islam rebellion against the Indonesian government from 1949 to 1962, with the objective of overthrowing the secular Pancasila ideology and establishing Negara Islam Indonesia (Islamic State of Indonesia) based on sharia law.

SME Aero Tiga

SME also received orders for 20 aircraft for the Indonesian government's flight training center at Curug, as part of a deal by the Malaysian government to acquire IPTN CN-235 transports.

West Kalimantan

In the 1960s the Indonesian government granted the Madurese rights to clear lands from forest for palm oil cultivation.