
unusual facts about Ingvar the Far-Travelled

Ingvar the Far-Travelled

According to one theory, prominently held by Otto von Friesen and Elena Mel'nikova, Ingvar's saga has transmitted his origin correctly, and so he was the son of the Varangian Eymundr, who in turn was the son of a Swedish chieftain named Áki and the daughter of the Swedish king Eric the Victorious.

Akhmed Zakayev

On 7 December 2002, Zakayev returned to the UK but the British authorities arrested him briefly at London Heathrow Airport; he was released on 50,000 GBP bail, which was paid by British actress Vanessa Redgrave, his friend who had travelled with him from Denmark.

Anders Sandvig

In addition to expanding the museum significantly, Sandvig also travelled extensively to promote ethnological museums, including Vesterheim in Decorah, Iowa.

Andrés Iduarte

Between 1928 and 1930, Andrés Iduarte travelled to Paris and he joined the Latinamerican Student Association (Asociación de Estudiantes Latinoamericanos, AGELA) where he met other Latin American personalities such as Carlos Quijano, Miguel Ángel Asturias, César Vallejo, Gustavo Machado, Eduardo Machado, Manuel Ugarte and Gabriela Mistral.

Andrey Lugovoy

Traces of polonium-210 have been discovered in all three hotels where Lugovoy stayed after flying to London on October 16, in the Pescatori restaurant in Dover Street, Mayfair, where Lugovoy is understood to have dined before November 1, and aboard two aircraft on which he had travelled.

Asoka Handagama

Novel in the form, this minimalist film travelled all around the world, was critically acclaimed at more than 50 international film festivals, and won numerous awards in Singapore, Chonju, Delhi, Houston, Bangkok and Tokyo.

Auseklis Limbazi Theatre

Production of Friedrich Dürrenmatt's Play Strindberg went to Belgium, Estonia and Lithuania, Sławomir Mrożek's At Sea travelled to Denmark, Iceland and Lithuania, Inga Abele's Dzelzzāle (Iron Weed) had its premiere in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Bama State Collegians

In 1934, the entire group travelled to New York and became the Erskine Hawkins Orchestra, recording hit records such as Tuxedo Junction, which rose to No.

Ben O'Donoghue

In 1996 O'Donoghue travelled to the United Kingdom where he worked at The River Café before moving to become Head Chef at the Monte's Club in Knightsbridge with Jamie Oliver.

Benjamin W. Crowninshield

His health began to fail in 1891, and he died January 16, 1892, at age 55, in Rome, having travelled to Europe for a rest.

British Rail Class 319

On 10 December 1993 they travelled through the Channel Tunnel to Calais-Fréthun and back with a party of invited guests, after the construction consortium TransManche Link (who were responsible for the construction of the Tunnel) had transferred responsibility for operations and management over to Eurotunnel.

British Sign Language

In 1815, an American Protestant minister, Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet, travelled to Europe to research teaching of the deaf.

Carel Borchaert Voet

He travelled to England in the service of Hans Willem Bentinck, count of Portland.

Christina Stead

Stead also became involved with the writer, broker and Marxist political economist William J. Blake (formerly Wilhelm Blech), with whom she travelled to Spain (leaving at the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War) and to the USA.

Daniel J. Crowley

Crowley and a research expedition team from the University of California travelled to Oruro, Bolivia to study the major carnival there.

Froben Christopher of Zimmern

He then changed his plans and in December 1539, he travelled via Paris to Angers.

Geoffrey Francis Archer

Archer travelled overland from Uganda to Sudan to take up his new appointment, walking from Nimule to Rejaf and then travelling by steamer down the Bahr al Jabal to Khartoum.

Geoffrey Malcolm Gathorne-Hardy

In 1910 he travelled with H. Hesketh Prichard from Nain, Newfoundland and Labrador to Indian House Lake on George River, and contributed a chapter on fishing to Prichard's Through trackless Labrador (1911).

George Robert Ainslie

He made a specialty of Anglo-Norman coins, and travelled all over England, and, what was then a more uncommon thing, all over the rural districts of Normandy and Brittany, in search of coins.

Gianna Jessen

In December 2005 Jessen travelled to London to support a campaign to reduce the number of abortions under the UK Abortion Act and to speak at a parliamentary meeting at the House of Commons.

Harry Gordon Johnson

He was a strong drinker and his reputation at London School of Economics and Political Science was that he travelled weekly between London and Chicago, and he would enter each flight with a bottle of Southern Comfort and would leave it with a fully written paper!

Henry Liddon

In 1882 he resigned his professorship and travelled in Palestine and Egypt; and showed his interest in the Old Catholic movement by visiting Döllinger at Munich.

Henry V. Esmond

For the next Broadway production, Eliza Comes to Stay, Esmond travelled to New York to appear alongside his wife and the popular actor Leslie Banks.

Isaac Greenwood

He travelled to London and met with Thomas Hollis, who wished to endow a Chair at Harvard College for him.

Jan Claus

In 1669 with Steven Crisp (1628-1692), a Friend from Colchester, who from 1663 onwards would every year visit Amsterdam, he travelled on a preaching tour to a series of towns along the Rhine: Cologne, Bonn, Metz, Bingen, Bacharach and Kriegsheim.

Johann Nepomuk von Nussbaum

During the early 1870s he travelled to England, where he learned techniques of pelvic surgery under Thomas Spencer Wells (1818–1897).

John Francis Bentley

After deciding on a Byzantine Revival design, Bentley travelled to Italy to study some of the great early Byzantine-influenced cathedrals, such as St Mark's Basilica in Venice.

John H. James

During the American Civil War he and his wife travelled to Canada and Nassau, Bahamas, and afterwards they returned to Atlanta where he founded the James Bank.

Journey Beyond Three Seas

The film tells the story of Afanasy Nikitin (Oleg Strizhenov), a 15th-century, Russian trader who travelled to India (1466-1472), and falls in love with an Indian girl Champa (Nargis Dutt).

Karl von Scherzer

Here Scherzer became friends with Moritz Wagner and together with him travelled through North and Central America and West Indies (1852–1855).

Kate Booth

At her husband's wish, Katie and the children travelled with him to the cult leader John Alexander Dowie's Zion City, a township about 40 miles north of Chicago.

Lewis F. Muir

Muir composed productively in 1912–1913 and travelled to London with pianist Pete Wendling to play ragtime in the Oxford Theatre.

Lisette Model

"Lisette Model" by Ann Thomas, published by the National Gallery of Canada to accompany an exhibition of Model's work which travelled the United States, Canada, and Germany during 1990–1992.

Mahavairocana Tantra

Kūkai learned of the Mahāvairocana Tantra in 796, and travelled to China in 804 to receive instruction in it.

Marion Cameron Gray

In 1924 she travelled to the United States under the assistance of both a British graduates scholarship and a Carnegie scholarship to attend Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania from where she gained a Ph.D. under the supervision of Anna Johnson Pell Wheeler.

Martin Gerbert

Between 1754 and 1764 he published a series of theological treatises, their main tendency being to modify the rigid scholastic system by an appeal to the Fathers, notably Augustine; from 1759 to 1762 he travelled in Germany, Italy and France, mainly with a view to examining the collections of documents in the various monastic libraries.

Nathan B. Devereaux Octagon House

At some point in the 1850s, Nathan Bartlet Devereaux travelled to Ann Arbor to attend a lecture by Orson Squire Fowler, the leading proponent of octagonal houses.

Pierre Le Gros the Younger

In order to have an operation done and also to settle his inheritance, in 1715 the travelled to Paris, where he stayed with his friend, the patron and collector Pierre Crozat, whose cabinet in his Parisian house and chapel in his country retreat at Montmorency Le Gros decorated (both destroyed).

Pursuit to Haritan

On 13 October they travelled by train from El Hamman to Alexandria on the Khedivial Railway to reach railhead at Lydda on 15 October.

Robert Pearsall Smith

The following year, after preaching in front of royalty and taking breakfast with Gladstone they travelled to Germany and Switzerland, where they preached in several major cities.

Rodrigues Mingas

On 8 January 2010, while being escorted by Angolan forces through the disputed territory of Cabinda, the team bus of the Togo national football team was attacked by gunmen belonging to FLEC/PM as it travelled to 2010 Africa Cup of Nations tournament.

Ron Stein

Stein was part of the United States team that travelled to Rome, Italy, to take part in the 1960 Summer Paralympics, the first ever Paralympic Games.

Scuba set

After having travelled to England and discovered William James' invention, the French physician Manuel Théodore Guillaumet, from Argentan (Normandy), patented in 1838 the oldest known regulator mechanism.

Set the Fire to the Third Bar

After their long journey to meet each ("After I have travelled so far") they would settle down in front of an electric bar fire ("We'd set the fire to the third bar") and enjoy being together and warm.

Simón de Roxas Clemente y Rubio

For almost two years he travelled about the Granada, Jeréz de la Frontera and Sanlúcar areas collecting samples of wild and cultivated plants, observing agricultural practices, noting soil characteristics, micro-climates, and the adaptation of the flora to their natural environment.

Sophie Atkinson

Taking advantage of Canadian Pacific’s free passes to artists and writers, she travelled from British Columbia through Canada to Calgary, Ottawa and Montreal.

SS Patna

It's a fact that at least two groups White Fathers (second and fourth caravan from Zanzibar) have travelled on the real SS Patna from Algiers to Aden on their way to Zanzibar, on the way to the later Heart of Darkness.

Syagrius of Autun

He was bishop of Autun from around 560 until his death and travelled to Nanterre with Guntram for the baptism of Clotaire II.

Sydney Thompson Dobell

Next year he travelled through Switzerland with his wife; and after his return he formed friendships with Robert Browning, Philip Bailey, George MacDonald, Emanuel Deutsch, Lord Houghton, Ruskin, Holman Hunt, Mazzini, Tennyson and Carlyle.


The Roman author Plinius, who lived during the first century AD, claims that the world's furthermost place at Thule or Tyle is the place described by the Greek Pytheas from Marseille, who travelled from the Mediterranean to the North in 300 BC.

Vlad In Tears

The album was produced by John Fryer who travelled to Italy for a month to work on it.

see also