
3 unusual facts about Initiatives of Change

Initiatives of Change

Mountain House, formerly the Caux-Palace Hotel in Caux, near Montreux, Switzerland is the Institute's conference center.

These principles are taken from those of the organization's predecessor, Moral Re-Armament (MRA), founded in 1938 by Frank Buchman.


Initiatives of Change ("IofC"), international goodwill organization, and its related entities.

Frits Philips

He was introduced to the Oxford Group in 1934, the Christian movement that was the forerunner of Moral Re-Armament(MRA) and Initiatives of Change (IofC).

R. M. Lala

It was here that he got a deeper understanding of Moral Re-Armament (MRA), subsequently renamed as Initiatives of Change, besides life and human nature.

Rajmohan Gandhi

Associated from 1956 with Initiatives of Change (formerly known as Moral Re-Armament), Rajmohan Gandhi has been engaged for half a century in efforts for trust-building, reconciliation and democracy and in battles against corruption and inequalities.

see also