
unusual facts about Inquisition: The Persecution and Prosecution of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon

Inquisition: The Persecution and Prosecution of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon

Sherwood mentions opposition by the news media, major Christian denominations, and members of the government including Representative Donald Fraser and Senator Bob Dole.


After the Council of Trent many Catholic nations, among which Spain, adopted the Inquisition as a means of controlling religious movements and of the re-conversion to Roman orthodoxy of all the dioceses which they administered.

Antoni Serra Serra

He was in the Convent of Saint Francis of Pauoa of Palma and was a Reader of philosophy and theology, Visitor, Mallorca's Order of Minims General and Provincial Vicar Inquisition Qualifier; Postulator in 1739 of the cause of beatification of Catherine Thomas.

Antonio José Amar y Borbón

Later he was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Inquisition.

António José, ou O Poeta e a Inquisição

Its plot is loosely based on the final moments of life of the Luso-Brazilian Jewish playwright António José da Silva, who was garroted and later burned by the Inquisition.

Baltasar and Blimunda

Two young lovers interact naturally with historical characters including the composer and harpsichordist Domenico Scarlatti and the priest Bartolomeu de Gusmão, recognized today as an aviation pioneer, all in the shadow of the Inquisition.

Bartolomé Carranza

Returning to Valladolid, he acted as censor (cualificador) of books (including versions of the Bible) for the Inquisition.


Maria Barbara Carillo (1625–1721), a woman burned at the stake during the Spanish Inquisition

Caterina Sagredo Barbarigo

One reason was that both sexes from the nobility mixed freely at the casinos, which represented a development the Inquisition wished to stop: women of the Venetian nobility had formerly seldom been allowed to mix with men, but during the 18th century, this underwent a sharp contrast, a development which started when Chiara, Maddalena and Laura Contarini, daughters of doge Domenico II Contarini, had stopped using the zoccoli.

Cathedral of the Sea

The action takes place in 14th century Barcelona at the height of the Inquisition, with the construction of Santa Maria del Mar serving as background to the story.

Cecilia Ferrazzi

The Inquisition duly responded to complaints about Ferrazzi's conduct in 1664.


To tell that NKVD is a body of mass inquisition also tells nothing to the point, because Gestapo also was a mass inquisition, although its chief Heinrich Himmler—would not be fit to serve as a sergeant of the Soviet State Security Service.

Circle of stars

In 1649, Francisco Pacheco (father-in-law of Velázquez) published his Art of Painting firmly establishing the detailed correct iconography for paintings of the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception, which included the circle of stars (he also advised the inquisition in Seville on artistic matters).

County of Modica

The king gave the first dynasty of counts many fiefdoms in Agrigento, Caccamo, Licata and Palermo, where they built the Palazzo Chiaramonte, also known as Palazzo Steri; once the residence of the Aragonese-Spanish viceroys of Sicily and later the tribunal of the Inquisition, it now belongs to the University of Palermo.

D. Maria II National Theatre

In the 16th century, when the Inquisition was installed in Portugal, the Estaus Palace became the seat of the Inquisition.

Dangerous Beauty

Based on the non-fiction book The Honest Courtesan by Margaret Rosenthal, the film is about Veronica Franco, a courtesan in sixteenth-century Venice who becomes a hero to her city, but later becomes the target of an inquisition by the Church for witchcraft.

Elizabeth of Hungary

It was also about this time that the priest and later inquisitor Konrad von Marburg gained considerable influence over Elizabeth when he was appointed as her confessor.

Giacomo Castelvetro

In 1611 he was imprisoned by the inquisition but was rescued by the English ambassador Sir Dudley Carleton who threatened a diplomatic incident if an execution of a servant of the king was authorised.

He set off on another European tour in search of patronage in 1611 after being freed from the Inquisition.

Gil Vicente

In 1586, the second edition was published; however, many parts were heavily censored by the Inquisition.

Giovanni Maria Gabrielli

To this period dates his most famous Inquisition case, the one against François Fénelon, whose work Explication des Maximes des Saints had been accused of being sympathetic to Quietism.

Gunselm de Badlesmere

An inquisition post mortem held on 30 April of that year in respect of land he held in Kent at Badlesmere and Donewelleshethe confirmed that the next heir was his son Bartholomew de Badlesmere, 1st Baron Badlesmere (circa 1275 – 14 April 1322).

House of Elzevir

Also, they are noted for their publication in 1638 of Galileo's last work, the Two New Sciences, at a time when the Inquisition forbade the latter's writings.

James Casebere

The first works were inspired by the 10th century Andalusia because of the co-operation between Islamic, Jewish, and Christian cultures preceding the Inquisition.

Joseph Kleutgen

In 1879 some Old Catholics spread the report that Kleutgen had been condemned by the Roman Inquisition to an imprisonment of six years on account of complicity in the poisoning of a Princess von Hohenlohe; but, on 7 March, Juvenal Pelami, Notary of the Inquisition, testified that Kleutgen had never been summoned before the Inquisition upon such a charge, and consequently had not been punished by it.

Juana Coello

Others say that in 1613 she sought the rehabilitation of their children, to which the Inquisition of Zaragoza agreed two years later.

Judah ibn Verga

He succeeded, however, in escaping to Lisbon, where possibly he lived several years, until he was taken by the Inquisition; he died under torture (ib. § 62).

Julius Excluded from Heaven

It is thought that Erasmus made such comments to avoid losing allies and to avoid retribution from his enemies and the Inquisition.


In folklore the werewolves represent the cycle of legends of essentially shamanistic content - a man turning into animal and reverse - that were modified by the xenophobic in-group/out-group hatred and the whitch-hunt of the Baroque era church's inquisition, fighting against the loss of power after the scientific progress in Renaissance and the Enlightenment.

Medieval Inquisition

The first medieval inquisition, the episcopal inquisition, was established in the year 1184 by a papal bull entitled Ad abolendam, "For the purpose of doing away with."

Mercurino Gattinara

During a review for the purpose of administrative reform, Gattinara advised Charles, in a section of the report entitled “Reverence toward God” on issues such as: whether Moors and Infidels should be tolerated in his lands; whether the inhabitants of the West Indian islands and the mainland were to be converted to Christianity; and whether the Inquisition should be reformed.

Miguel Barragán

Barragán was arrested at the hacienda of Santa Anna and confined in the dungeons formerly used by the Inquisition.

Oldrado da Tresseno

He was a close friend to inquisitor Pietro da Verona and actively collaborated with the Inquisition in prosecuting heretics, especially the believers of the Church of Concorezzo, a very active Cathar group of that was supported by the bishop of Concorezzo (a town North-East of Milan, near Monza) and by local feudatory Filippo Confalonieri.

Operation Luna

The IRS (Inquisition for Revenue Securement) and NASA (National Astral Spellcraft Administration) also become involved.

Pietro Delitala

In 1589, Delitala was again imprisoned, this time under the Inquisition, which imposed a fine of 5,600 Sardinian lire upon him.

Richard Robert Madden

Galileo and the Inquisition, London: Burns & Lambert; Dublin: J. Mullany, 1863.

Roman Inquisition

Francesco Barberini (1597–1679), secretary of the Inquisition 1633-79


Francisco Sanches (c.1550–1623), Portuguese or Galician philosopher of Jewish origin; refugee from the Inquisition

Scipione Cobelluzzi

He was a member of the Inquisition and one of the cardinals who questioned Galileo after he came to Rome, and also of the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, created on 6 January 1622, to which he gave 100 scudi a year for ransoming prisoners of the Turks.

Sébastien Bourdon

In spite of his poverty he managed to get to Rome in 1636; there he studied the paintings of Nicolas Poussin, Claude Lorrain and Caravaggio among his eclectic selection of models, until he was forced to flee in 1638, to escape denunciation by the Inquisition for his Protestant faith.

Sheriff's March

At an inquisition at Tynemouth in 1278, it was duly declared that the King of Scotland, the Archbishop of York, the Prior of Tynemouth, the Bishop of Durham and Gilbert de Umfraville, Earl of Angus should arrange to meet with the justices prior to their entry into Newcastle, provided that they came through the county of Yorkshire first.

Silvester Petra Sancta

The book is about the life of the Jesuit monk cardinal Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino (1542-1621) who was the head of the Sanctum Officium (the Roman Inquisition) and had respect for the scientific achievements of Galilei and was anxious about the dullness of his co-workers.

Val Camonica witch trials

During the first months of 1518, inquisitors were stationed in the parishes of the Val Camonica; Don Bernardino de Grossis in Pisogne, Don James de Gablani in Rogno, Don Valerio de Boni in Breno, Don Donato de Savallo in Cemmo and Don Battista Capurione in Edolo, all under the bishop Inquisitor Peter Durante, who presided at the central court of the Inquisition at Cemmo.

Valentin Parnakh

In 1934 Parnokh published a Russian translation of a collection of Spanish and Portuguese poets (mostly Marrano Jews) who had been executed by the Inquisition (Parnakh had previously translated the poems into French as well, but the manuscript of this translation had been lost).


Many of the original inhabitants of Vallegrande were Sephardic and Ashkenazic Jews converted to Catholicism and persecuted by the inquisition in Spain and nearby La Plata and Potosi, for they were suspected to continue to secretly practice Judaism.

VIP Brother 2

She was also a member of the secret inquisition during the first season of VIP Brother.

William Bedell

In 1607 he was appointed chaplain to Sir Henry Wotton, then English ambassador at Venice, where he remained for four years, acquiring a great reputation as a scholar, theologian, printer, and Missionary to the faithfull leaving under Roman Catholic tyranny of the Inquisition.

Yigal Carmon

The same is true of the Christians with regard to the Inquisition: First they believed that it was God's will, but later dropped it.

see also