The somatic orientation of IBP uses components of several somatic therapies including Alexander technique, Bioenergetics, Feldenkrais body work, and the evocative, enlivening and integrating effect of Yogic and Reichian breath work.
For over eight years, he studied and did Freudian Psychoanalysis with Jean Pouteu, M.D. He worked with the leading therapists of that time: Dr. Philip Cucurudo (Reichian therapy), Jim Simkin, Ph.D.
The Body Shop | psychotherapy | body double | Quasi-judicial body | Jennifer's Body | Electronic body music | body | Psychotherapy | I Sing the Body Electro | Fisher Body | Body of Proof | Rock Your Body | Jimmy P: Psychotherapy of a Plains Indian | electronic body music | Body of Christ | Body art | Bath & Body Works | Need New Body | Human body | Body worship | Body of War: Songs that Inspired an Iraq War Veteran | Body of War | Body Music | Body Double | Unidentified body on Christmas Island | The Human Body (TV series) | Skate Canada (governing body) | Satan, His Psychotherapy and Cure by the Unfortunate Dr. Kassler, J.S.P.S. | Rock Your Body (Ryan Belhsen song) | John Brown's Body |