World Diabetes Day, the primary awareness campaign of the diabetes world.
IDF is associated with the Department of Public Information of the United Nations and is in official relations with the World Health Organization and the Pan American Health Organization.
In late 2006, to promote diabetes awareness and to gather support for a United Nations resolution, the International Diabetes Federation disseminated "Unite for Diabetes" travel bugs to be released by volunteers around the world.
(born March 2, 1924) is a former radio and cable television executive in Austin, Texas who is known for his leadership roles with the American Diabetes Association and the International Diabetes Federation.
ATP International Series | International Monetary Fund | International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement | ATP International Series Gold | International Space Station | Amnesty International | International Olympic Committee | BirdLife International | International Finance Corporation | International Organization for Standardization | International Telecommunication Union | International Criminal Court | One Day International | International Nonproprietary Name | International Labour Organization | International Civil Aviation Organization | International Boxing Federation | Toronto International Film Festival | International Atomic Energy Agency | International Maritime Organization | International Development Association | John F. Kennedy International Airport | Los Angeles International Airport | International Bank for Reconstruction and Development | International Court of Justice | International Fund for Agricultural Development | Rotary International | Marriott International | International Air Transport Association | World Federation of Trade Unions |
Captain Glucose and Meter Boy: The Diabetes Duo are internationally known and have been featured on many professional sites and blogs including International Diabetes Federation and contributed to their World Diabetes Day project; Diabetes Hands Foundation.