
8 unusual facts about International Federation of Trade Unions

2nd World Congress of the Comintern

Left-wing communists were scornful of the "conservative" nature of the established union movement in many counties, exemplified by the American Federation of Labor in the United States and the reformist International Federation of Trade Unions, based in Amsterdam.

Arbeiderklassens Samlingsparti

Another reason for its disappearance was that one of their main goals were fulfilled, as the Confederation of Trade Unions at its autumn congress declined to enter the International Federation of Trade Unions.

Carl Legien

Carl Legien (1 December 1861 – 26 December 1920) was a German unionist, moderate Social Democratic politician and first President of the International Federation of Trade Unions.

Charlie Crofts

In 19430 he was the Australian delegate to the Fourteenth Session of the International Labour Conference in Geneva, the International Federation of Trade Unions' Fifth Annual Congress in Stockholm, and the British Commonwelath Labour Conference in London; he also served as a deputy on the board of the International Labour Organization.

Constantinos Speras

As soon as the Congress opened, Speras proposed the withdrawal of GSEE from the Trade-Union International of Amsterdam, a social democratic organization.

Daniel J. Tobin

That same year, Gompers chose Tobin as the AFL's second delegate to the founding convention of the International Federation of Trade Unions (IFTU).

Matthew Woll

Increasingly obsessed with international affairs and the Soviet Union, Woll served as an AFL delegate to the International Federation of Trade Unions conference in 1937 and to the International Labor Organization's conference in 1938.

Milk for Spain

The breakdown of the Front in Catalonia exacerbated transport difficulties still further, but with the assistance of the International Federation of Trade Unions, supplies were maintained by sea until the final capitulation of the Republic.

see also

1932 Madras and Southern Mahratta Railway Strike

The Nizam Guaranteed State Railway Workers' Union, the B. N. Railway Labour Union, the jute farmers of Nellimarla, the workers at the Buckingham and Carnatic Mills, the International Transport Workers Federation, British Trade Union Congress, Railway Clerks Association, National Union of Railways of Great Britain and the International Federation of Trade Unions contributed enormous amounts of money for the strike relief fund.