After several national and international tours, the show returned for a six month sell-out at the Theâtre de l'Oeuvre, Paris, where it won five Molière theatre awards, including best director and best show.
Meanwhile she premiered a new American play, Resonance (Morphic Resonance), by Katherine Burger, at the Theâtre de l'Atelier, for which she also received a Molière award and the Société des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques award for new talent.
At 18 she was spotted by director Irina Brook, who gave her the role of Juliet in a stage production of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.
In 2003, Sadie co-wrote with Robin Walden (aka Deepcutt) the score for a musical theatrical version of Bertolt Brecht's Good Woman Of Szechuan at Théâtre Vidy, Lucerne & Théâtre de Chaillot, starring Irina Brook and Romane Bohringer.
Peter Brook | Stony Brook University | Michael Brook | Stony Brook | Corner Brook | Irina Borzova | Brook Benton | Stony Brook, New York | Rea Brook | Porter Brook | Harpers Brook | Robert Brook Aspland | Kelly Brook | Irina Bokova | Irina Allegrova | Holy Brook | Foudry Brook | Brook Taylor | Brook Farm | Black Brook | Willow Brook | Turkey Brook | Spencer Brook Township, Isanti County, Minnesota | Spencer Brook Township | Shenley Brook End | Princess Irina Alexandrovna of Russia | Oak Brook, Illinois | Irina Viner | Irina Brook | Eric Brook |