
unusual facts about Ishmael

Bani Assad

The Banu Asad are the Patreneal Lineage from a man named Asad ben ( meaning: son of) Khuzaimah ben Mudrikah ben Elias ben Mudar ben Nezar ben Ma'ad ben Adnan ......Ben Nabit ben Ismael ben Ibrahim.

Black Star Nairobi

Ishmael, an African American detective originally from Madison, Wisconsin, relocates to Kenya and starts a detective agency called the Black Star Agency with his associate, O (short for Odhiambo).


Many ancient Hebraic names that have not been found in other Near Eastern languages have been reported to occur in similar forms in Eblaite (Adamu, H’à-wa, Jabal, Abarama, Bilhah, Ishma-el, Isûra-el, Esau, Mika-el, Mikaya, Saul, David, et al.

Fall of man

In both Daniel Quinn's Ishmael (1992) and The Story of B (1996) novels, it is proposed that the story of the fall of man was first thought up by another culture watching the development of the now-dominant totalitarian agriculturalist culture.

Federiko Benković

By 1715, he came to the service of the Archbishop-Elector of Mainz Lothar Franz von Schönborn and was to complete four large canvas masterpieces for the gallery in the Schloss Weißenstein in the town of Pommersfelden: Apollo and Marcia, Hagar and Ishmael in the desert, Iphigenia’s sacrifice and Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac.

Francesco Anile

In the last few years, Francesco Anile's repertory has gradually grown enriched by major roles, such as: Cavaradossi (Tosca), Pinkerton (Madama Butterfly), Luigi (Tabarro), Ishmael (Nabucco), Manrico (Il trovatore), Duke of Mantua (Rigoletto), and Radamès (Aida).

Ghetto Ruff

Currently, Ghetto Ruff Records is home to some of South Africa's most prominent kwaito artists including Zola, Prophets of Da City (POC), and Ishmael.

Green Grass, Running Water

At this, the unknown narrator begins to explain the escape of four Native American elders from a mental institution who are named Lone Ranger, Ishmael, Robinson Crusoe, and Hawkeye.

Inshan Ishmael

Even though his lawyers succeeded in getting a High Court Judge, Justice Peter Jamadar, to order the San Juan/Laventille Regional Corporation to allow the anti-crime rally on the 27th, Commissioner of Police Trevor Paul did not respond to Ishmael’s application for permission to use a public address system.

Ishmael ben Elisha ha-Kohen

The tomb of Ishmael ben Elisha ha-Kohen is located in the Druze village of Sajur in the Upper Galilee.

Ishmael ben Jose

Ishmael served as a Roman official together with Elazar ben Simon, and was instrumental in suppressing the hordes of Jewish freebooters that had collected during the war between Severus and Pescennius Niger (193).

Ishmael in Islam

Ishmael, known as Isma'il in Arabic (Arabic: إسماعيل Ismā'īl) and Dhabih Ullah, is the figure known in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam as Abraham's (Ibrāhīm) son, born to the Hagar (Hājar).

Ishmael son of Nethaniah

Ishmael ben Nethaniah is described in 2 Kings 25:25 as the son of Nethaniah, ‘son of Elishama of the royal family’.


Islamic tradition further holds that Hagar and Ishmael found a spring in Mecca, the Zamzam well, from which the Jurhum wanted to drink, and that after their ousting by the Khuza'a tribe, that the Jurhum collected the treasures dedicated to the Kaaba and destroyed the Zamzam well so that nobody would find it.


Qedarites or Kedar, an Arab tribal confederation named for Ishmael's son

Mekhilta de-Rabbi Shimon

M. Friedmann was the first to maintain, in his introduction to the Mekilta of R. Ismael (pp. 54 et seq., Vienna, 1870), that, in addition to R. Ishmael's work, there was a halakic midrash to Exodus by R. Simeon, which was called the "Mekilta de-R. Shim'on," and that this Mekilta formed part of the Sifre mentioned in the Talmud Babli (Sanh. 86a; Ber. 47b; Meg. 28b; Ḳid. 49a; Sheb. 41b); Ḥag. 3a).

Michael Gerard Bauer

Bauer has also written six other books, Don't Call Me Ishmael (2006), Ishmael and the Return of the Dugongs (2007), Dinosaur Knights (2008), You Turkeys (2009), Just a Dog (2010) and Ishmael and the Hoops of Steel (2011).

Musarrat Nazir

She has three children, Zeelaf, Azed and Omar Majeed all of whom are married and all have children of their own named Amir, Ishmael,Django, and Sujfion.

My Ishmael

Owens educated himself as much as he could, studying in Belgium, becoming a dual citizen of Zaire and Belgium, traveling to the United States, and attending Cornell University, where he met the daughter of Ishmael's benefactor and first human companion.

Prophets and messengers in Islam

Sura Al-A'nam (6:84-86) gives a comprehensive list of Israelite prophets: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Noah, David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, Zechariah, John, Jesus, Elias, Ishmael, Elisha, Jonah and Lot (Samuel is called 'A Prophet' elsewhere, but is unnamed).


As part of his religion, he practices a prolonged period of fasting and silence (which Ishmael calls his "Ramadan"), at one time locking himself in his room in Nantucket.

Rabbi Ishmael

Ishmael was of opinion that the Torah was conveyed in the language of man (Yerushalmi Yevamot, viii. 8d; Yerushalmi Nedarim, i. 36c), and that therefore a seemingly pleonastic word or syllable can not be taken as a basis for new deductions.

Roy Joseph

Joseph was married to the former Dolly Ishmael (aunt of Manny Ramjohn) and had three daughters.

Shawn Wong

The Before Columbus Foundation Poetry Anthology: Selections from the American Book Awards 1980-1990 (with J. J. Phillips, Ishmael Reed, Gundars Strads), W.W. Norton Co., 1992

Sheree Thomas

Her fiction and poetry have appeared in Ishmael Reed's Konch, Drumvoices Revue, Obsidian III, African Voices, storySouth, and other literary journals, and has received Honorable Mention in the Year's Best Fantasy and Horror, 16th and 17th annual collections.

The Haj

The Egypt-supported Muslim Brotherhood, as represented by Mr. Salmi, Ishmael’s school teacher, infuses their classrooms with hatred of Jews.

see also