Jon Corzine | Jon Stewart | Jon Pertwee | Jon Anderson | Jon Voight | Jon Krakauer | Jon | Jon English | Jon Bon Jovi | Jon Vickers | Jon Lord | Jon Langford | Jon Brion | Jon Huntsman, Jr. | Jon Faddis | Jon Tester | Jon Ronson | Jon Fishman | Uli Jon Roth | Jon Foreman | Jon Hendricks | Jon Fosse | Valgeir Sigurðsson | Jon St. James | Jon Spencer Blues Explosion | Jon Postel | Jon Lovitz | Jon Lech Johansen | Jon Lebkowsky | Jon Christensen |
Several years later, in 1921, his second major North American work was erected when the Icelandic community in Manitoba, Canada purchased a casting of his Jón Sigurðsson statue and had it placed in the Manitoba Legislative Building grounds in Winnipeg.
Sighvatur Kristinn Björgvinsson replaced Jón Sigurðsson as Minister of Commerce and Minister of Industry.